Tuesday, May 26, 2009
14 Arrested In Hunger Strike!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
DAP Perak mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya tindakan Polis menggeledah Ibu Pejabat DAP di Petaling Jaya semalam tanpa waran
Dan terkini dengan alasan untuk membantu siasatan dan tanpa waran geledah, pihak PDRM semalam 6pm telah menggeledah dan mengambil komputer di ibu pejabat DAP di Taman Paramount, Petaling Jaya.
DAP Perak akan sentiasa menyokong pihak yang sentiasa diganggu oleh pihak PDRM atas sebab unsur politik. Ini termasuk ADUN Teratai Saudari Janice Lee serta rakan seperjuangan lain yang turut diberkas berikutan krisis politik DUN Perak. Dan harap pihak BN harus menunjukkan etika politik agar tidak menyalahgunakan kuasa polis untuk menindas pihak lawan.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Response by Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham, DAP Perak Chairman to the DVD produced by BN/MCA with regard to the incident on 7-5-2009 at the Perak State Legislative Assembly, at DAP Perak Headquaters, on 21st May 2009:
- Police and the Minister of Home Affairs practice double standard
- 10 reasons why BN/MCA DVD does not disclose the truth
The BN/MCA have announced that they are producing 50,000 DVD for distribution with regard to 7/5/2009 incident at the Perak State Legislative Assembly.
I have viewed the DVD and it is clearly a biased reporting. The people must not be hood- winked by BN’s lies. Truth fears no counter explanation but BN fears PR’s reply. When PR showed the recording of the 7/5/2009 incident at a DAP dinner in Sitiawan on 9/5/2009 (Saturday) it was abrupted stopped by the police but MCA was free to show its distorted version of the incident at the MCA dinner on 17/5/2009 (Sunday) in Ipoh. When YB Ong Boon Piaw, the DAP State Assemblyman for Tebing Tinggi produced DVD on the 3/3/2009 Perak State Assembly sitting under the rain tree he was arrested by the police but when BN/MCA produce 50,000 DVD distorted version of the incident on 7/5/2009, they are free to do so. Is there any more law in this land? Why the double standard? The police and the Minister of Home Affairs, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Bin Tun Hussein Onn are clearly pratising double standards. BN has to practice double standard to prevent the people from learning the truth.
The BN/MCA DVD refuses to explained the following:-
1. That the whole fracas on 7/5/2009 was due to the refusal by BN elected representatives and the 3 ‘frog’ elected representative to obey the instructions of V. Sivakumar the legitimate Speaker of the Perak State Assembly.
2. That Dato’ Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir and his 6 BN ‘exco’ members and the 3 frogs Assemblymen and woman had earlier been suspended.
3. That the motion to remove the speaker proposed by suspended members are invalid and have been rejected.
4. That it was the BN trying to conduct an illegal sub-Assembly involving only BN elected representatives in the State Assembly which prompted the response from the Pakatan Rakyat elected representatives to stop them from doing so after BN elected representatives failed the heed the repeated directives and warnings from the speaker not to conduct the illegal sub-Assembly within the State Assembly.
5. That Hee Yit Fong, the Assembly woman for Jelapang cannot chair a sub- Assembly when the Assembly was chaired by the Speaker, V. Sivakumar. Moreover, she is no longer an assembly woman as she has resigned.
6. That the State Assembly had never commence sitting at any point of time. Illegally and forcibly removing V. Sivakumar to install Dato’ R. Ganesan as speaker can never be legal.
7. That even if the State Assembly had commenced when the Regent of Perak gave his opening speech (which is denied as the lawful Speaker, V. Sivakumar had been unlawfully and forcibly evicted from the Assembly) no business was transacted after the opening speech as it was immediately adjourned.
8. It was not true that His Royal Highness the Regent of Perak reprimanded Dato’ Seri Nizar Bin Jamaluddin and myself. His Royal Highness called us up to the stage after Dato’ Seri Nizar Bin Jamaluddin complained to him the Speaker V. Sivakumar was forcibly evicted from the Assembly. His Royal Highness the Regent informed us that he does not want to get involved in this (politics) and asked that he be allowed to read out his speech and hope that we will respect that which we agreed as our opponent is the BN and not the palace.
9. The purported appointment of Dato’ R. Ganesan as speaker was invalid for the following reasons:-
(i) The State Assembly has never commenced.
(ii) The Sub-Assembly chaired by Hee Yit Foong was invalid.
(iii) His election was done at the Sub-Assembly conducted by BN and not at the Assembly chaired by Speaker, V. Sivakumar.
(iv) The election of Dato’ R. Genesan was done prior to the opening speech of the Regent of Perak.
10. It does not include the video footage of the speaker, V. Sivakuma being illegally and forcibly evicted from the state assembly.
I believe the people will be able to see the truth and not be deceived by BN/MCA.
Dated this 21st day of May 2009.
DAP Perak Chairman
- 警方及内政部实行双重标准
- 国阵/马华公会派发的光碟没有揭露事实的10个理由
1. 2009年5月7日在州议会内所发生的骚乱起因,在于国阵的议员及3个跳槽的“青蛙”议员拒绝服从霹雳州合法议长西华古玛的指示。
2. 较早时,拿督斯里赞比里、6名国阵的“行政议员”及3个青蛙议员已经被禁足进入州议会。
3. 由被禁足的议员所提呈的撤换议长的动议是无效的同时被驳回。
4. 在国阵议员拒绝遵守议长重复“不得在议会中进行不合法的会议”的指示及警告后,民联议员及时地反应制止国阵议员企图进行只有国阵议员的不合法会议。
5. 当议长西华古玛仍在议会内主持议会时,九洞区州议员许月凤无权同时再主持另一个会议,此外,她已经辞职且不具有州议员资格。
6. 由始至终州议会并没有被宣布开始举行。在非法及强硬地将西华古玛拖离议会厅下,拿督甘尼申的议长资格无论如何都是不合法的。
7. 即使在皇储宣读御词后,议会已经算是开始议程(被拒绝承认为合法议长的西华古玛在开幕御词宣读前就被强行拖离议会厅)议会在开幕御词宣读完毕后被立即宣布无限期休会,并没有执行任何议程,作出任何决定。
8. 有关皇储斥责拿督斯里尼查及我本身的说法是不正确的。当时拿督斯里尼查向皇储投诉议长西华古玛被强硬地拖离议会厅。皇储告诉我们他并不愿意涉入(政治)纠纷中,希望我们能够尊重并让他宣读开幕词。我们一致认为真正的敌对方是国阵而非皇室。
9. 以下原因将指明拿督甘尼申被委以议长职是无效的:
(i) 由始至终州议会并没有真正开始进行。
(ii) 许月凤主持的议会中的不合法会议是无效的。
(iii) 甘尼申不是在西华古玛主持的州议会,而是在国阵主持的不合法会议中被选出的。
(iv) 甘尼申是在皇储宣读开幕御词前被选为议长。
10. 光碟中并没有包括议长西华古玛被非法及强硬地拖离议会厅的片段。
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
马华公会滥用州议会录影断章取义 MCA menyalahguna DVD untuk membuat tuduhan yang melulu terhadap PR
DAP Perak mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya usaha MCA menyalahgunakan DVD, untuk mempersembahkan bahagian sidang DUN 507 yang tidak lengkap, di samping itu juga memburuk-burukkan nama baik ADUN PR. Dalam DVD tersebut tidak mempunyai gambaran Speaker V.Sivakumar diheret keluar oleh Polis, Polis memasuki dewan untuk mencampur urusan dewan, ADUN Rungkup yang mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat dan memukul ADUN Tebing Tinggi.
DAP Perak akan mengeluarkan gambaran video yang lebih terperinci tidak lama lagi. Bagi sesiapa yang minat untuk mendapatkan VCD tentang sidang 507 boleh menghubungi 052535734(Sally)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A stay order pending appeal does not affect the content of a Judgment
- Wrong for Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir to claim that he is now the rightful MB of Perak. He is in contempt of court.
- Suspension of State Secretary and State Legal Adviser from duties still valid
I feel ashamed for Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir who now claimed that he is the rightful Menteri Besar of Perak after the one Judge bench of the Court of Appeal granted him a stay pending his appeal with regard to the judgment of the High Court Judge, Justice Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahim who has declared Dato’ Seri Ir. Nizar Bin Jamalludin as continuing to be the rightful Menteri Besar of Perak from the day he was first appointed. The High Court Judge had ordered that Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir must not continue to present himself as Menteri Besar of Perak or act as one. Therefore, it is in contempt of court for Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir to claim that he is now still the rightful Menteri Besar of Perak.
It is without a doubt that until this High Court Judgment is reversed by the Court of Appeal Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir remains an illegally appointed Menteri Besar as has been declared by the learned High Court Judge.
The following simple illustration will help bring home the point.
A sues B for a debt of RM5,000-00 and B disputes the debt. After hearing, the court declares that B owed A RM5,000-00 and ordered B to pay the said sum to A. B then obtains a stay of the judgment pending appeal. Until the appeal is heard and the lower court judgment reversed, it remains that B owed A RM5,000-00 and has to pay this amount to A.
The stay order merely gave A an opportunity to get the opinion of a higher court with regard to the issue before the judgment of the lower court can be enforced.
Therefore, until the hearing of the appeal, Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir remains an illegally appointed Menteri Besar as has been declared by the High Court. He should not and cannot exercise the powers and the privileges of a Menteri Besar including going back to occupy the office of the Menteri Besar.
As Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir is still the illegally appointed Menteri Besar, he has no power to reinstate the State Secretary and State Legal Adviser who were suspended by the Pakatan Rakyat State Government through its Exco meeting on the night of 11th May 2009 (before the stay order was granted to Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir).
With regard to the opinion expressed by the Chief Secretary to the Government, Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan that action cannot be taken by the State Government against the State Secretary and the State Legal Adviser, I would like to state that such an opinion is legally flawed. The State Secretary and the State Legal Adviser are Federal Officers appointed by the Public Service Commission and the Judicial and Legal Service Commission respectively. However, when they are seconded to and employed by the State Government, the State Government has the authority over them as their employer. Therefore, when they acted against the interest of the State Government or failed to cooperate with the State Government or commit acts of insubordination, they can be suspended from their duties pending formal complaints being lodged against them with the Public Service Commission and the Judicial and Legal Service Commission respectively and be dealth with under the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993. Any other interpretation will mean that Federal Officers can lord over the State Governments with impunity. Therefore the Perak State Pakatan Rakyat Government has acted within what is permitted in law.
Dated this 13th day of May 2009.
Coordinator of the Pakatan Rakyat legal
team cum the Senior Exco of the Pakatan
Rakyat Perak State Government
Monday, May 11, 2009
Nizar won MB court case today

Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur mengumumkan Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin sebagai menteri besar Perak yang sah.
The Kuala Lumpur High Court today paved the way for a fresh round of battle in Perak by declaring that BN's Zambry Abd Kadir was not the legitimate menteri besar of Perak.
Polis menggunakan FRU bagi menghalang orang ramai di Jamuan Makan Malam DAP Sitiawan, SMK Nam Hwa, untuk tonton video clip persidangan DUN 7/5/2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Selamat Menyambut Hari Ibu 母亲节快乐 ஹாப்பி மொதேர்ஸ் டே
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir and BN elected representatives break the oath of office by colluding with the police and outsiders to forcibly take over the State Assembly and therefore must resign
All elected representatives of the Perak State Assembly took the oath of office to defend the independence of the State Assembly and the Perak State Constitution when they were first sworn in as State Assemblymen and women of the Perak State Assembly.
The need to have the separation of powers between the legislature and the executive is fundamental to our democratic system.
No police or army can be allowed to enter the sacred house of the legislature. Zambry and BN elected representatives had allowed the police to take over the Perak State Assembly for the sake of retaining their power instead of going back to the people for a fresh mandate.
The people must be vigilant and demand for the resignation of Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir and the BN elected representatives less we become a police state very soon. The people must also demand that the State Assembly be dissolved so that the rights to chose the State Government be reverted back to the people to solve the present impasse.
The State Secretary Dato’ Dr Abdul Rahman Bin Hashim is also involved in the scheme to take over the State Assembly by force by allowing the police to enter the State Secretariat Building which house the State Assembly.
The take over of the State Assembly by force was clearly preplanned as the police personnel came from Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Kuantan.
The independence of the Perak State Assembly is totally lost when we allow the police, a Federal department to take control of the Assembly by force.
Dated 9th May 2009.
Senior Exco Member, Pakatan Rakyat Perak State Government, and
DAP Perak Chairman
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Let's wear BLACK on 7th May 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Thank You for your support on yesterday DAP 43rd Anniversary dinner.
தங்க யு போர் சுப்போர்திங் எச்டேர்டே டப் ௪௩ர்ட் அண்நிவேர்சரி டின்னெர்
14 Arrested In Hunger Strike!
DAP Perak mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya tindakan Polis menggeledah Ibu Pejabat DAP di Petaling Jaya semalam tanpa waran
Dan terkini dengan alasan untuk membantu siasatan dan tanpa waran geledah, pihak PDRM semalam 6pm telah menggeledah dan mengambil komputer di ibu pejabat DAP di Taman Paramount, Petaling Jaya.
DAP Perak akan sentiasa menyokong pihak yang sentiasa diganggu oleh pihak PDRM atas sebab unsur politik. Ini termasuk ADUN Teratai Saudari Janice Lee serta rakan seperjuangan lain yang turut diberkas berikutan krisis politik DUN Perak. Dan harap pihak BN harus menunjukkan etika politik agar tidak menyalahgunakan kuasa polis untuk menindas pihak lawan.
Response by Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham, DAP Perak Chairman to the DVD produced by BN/MCA with regard to the incident on 7-5-2009 at the Perak State Legislative Assembly, at DAP Perak Headquaters, on 21st May 2009:
- Police and the Minister of Home Affairs practice double standard
- 10 reasons why BN/MCA DVD does not disclose the truth
The BN/MCA have announced that they are producing 50,000 DVD for distribution with regard to 7/5/2009 incident at the Perak State Legislative Assembly.
I have viewed the DVD and it is clearly a biased reporting. The people must not be hood- winked by BN’s lies. Truth fears no counter explanation but BN fears PR’s reply. When PR showed the recording of the 7/5/2009 incident at a DAP dinner in Sitiawan on 9/5/2009 (Saturday) it was abrupted stopped by the police but MCA was free to show its distorted version of the incident at the MCA dinner on 17/5/2009 (Sunday) in Ipoh. When YB Ong Boon Piaw, the DAP State Assemblyman for Tebing Tinggi produced DVD on the 3/3/2009 Perak State Assembly sitting under the rain tree he was arrested by the police but when BN/MCA produce 50,000 DVD distorted version of the incident on 7/5/2009, they are free to do so. Is there any more law in this land? Why the double standard? The police and the Minister of Home Affairs, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Bin Tun Hussein Onn are clearly pratising double standards. BN has to practice double standard to prevent the people from learning the truth.
The BN/MCA DVD refuses to explained the following:-
1. That the whole fracas on 7/5/2009 was due to the refusal by BN elected representatives and the 3 ‘frog’ elected representative to obey the instructions of V. Sivakumar the legitimate Speaker of the Perak State Assembly.
2. That Dato’ Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir and his 6 BN ‘exco’ members and the 3 frogs Assemblymen and woman had earlier been suspended.
3. That the motion to remove the speaker proposed by suspended members are invalid and have been rejected.
4. That it was the BN trying to conduct an illegal sub-Assembly involving only BN elected representatives in the State Assembly which prompted the response from the Pakatan Rakyat elected representatives to stop them from doing so after BN elected representatives failed the heed the repeated directives and warnings from the speaker not to conduct the illegal sub-Assembly within the State Assembly.
5. That Hee Yit Fong, the Assembly woman for Jelapang cannot chair a sub- Assembly when the Assembly was chaired by the Speaker, V. Sivakumar. Moreover, she is no longer an assembly woman as she has resigned.
6. That the State Assembly had never commence sitting at any point of time. Illegally and forcibly removing V. Sivakumar to install Dato’ R. Ganesan as speaker can never be legal.
7. That even if the State Assembly had commenced when the Regent of Perak gave his opening speech (which is denied as the lawful Speaker, V. Sivakumar had been unlawfully and forcibly evicted from the Assembly) no business was transacted after the opening speech as it was immediately adjourned.
8. It was not true that His Royal Highness the Regent of Perak reprimanded Dato’ Seri Nizar Bin Jamaluddin and myself. His Royal Highness called us up to the stage after Dato’ Seri Nizar Bin Jamaluddin complained to him the Speaker V. Sivakumar was forcibly evicted from the Assembly. His Royal Highness the Regent informed us that he does not want to get involved in this (politics) and asked that he be allowed to read out his speech and hope that we will respect that which we agreed as our opponent is the BN and not the palace.
9. The purported appointment of Dato’ R. Ganesan as speaker was invalid for the following reasons:-
(i) The State Assembly has never commenced.
(ii) The Sub-Assembly chaired by Hee Yit Foong was invalid.
(iii) His election was done at the Sub-Assembly conducted by BN and not at the Assembly chaired by Speaker, V. Sivakumar.
(iv) The election of Dato’ R. Genesan was done prior to the opening speech of the Regent of Perak.
10. It does not include the video footage of the speaker, V. Sivakuma being illegally and forcibly evicted from the state assembly.
I believe the people will be able to see the truth and not be deceived by BN/MCA.
Dated this 21st day of May 2009.
DAP Perak Chairman
- 警方及内政部实行双重标准
- 国阵/马华公会派发的光碟没有揭露事实的10个理由
1. 2009年5月7日在州议会内所发生的骚乱起因,在于国阵的议员及3个跳槽的“青蛙”议员拒绝服从霹雳州合法议长西华古玛的指示。
2. 较早时,拿督斯里赞比里、6名国阵的“行政议员”及3个青蛙议员已经被禁足进入州议会。
3. 由被禁足的议员所提呈的撤换议长的动议是无效的同时被驳回。
4. 在国阵议员拒绝遵守议长重复“不得在议会中进行不合法的会议”的指示及警告后,民联议员及时地反应制止国阵议员企图进行只有国阵议员的不合法会议。
5. 当议长西华古玛仍在议会内主持议会时,九洞区州议员许月凤无权同时再主持另一个会议,此外,她已经辞职且不具有州议员资格。
6. 由始至终州议会并没有被宣布开始举行。在非法及强硬地将西华古玛拖离议会厅下,拿督甘尼申的议长资格无论如何都是不合法的。
7. 即使在皇储宣读御词后,议会已经算是开始议程(被拒绝承认为合法议长的西华古玛在开幕御词宣读前就被强行拖离议会厅)议会在开幕御词宣读完毕后被立即宣布无限期休会,并没有执行任何议程,作出任何决定。
8. 有关皇储斥责拿督斯里尼查及我本身的说法是不正确的。当时拿督斯里尼查向皇储投诉议长西华古玛被强硬地拖离议会厅。皇储告诉我们他并不愿意涉入(政治)纠纷中,希望我们能够尊重并让他宣读开幕词。我们一致认为真正的敌对方是国阵而非皇室。
9. 以下原因将指明拿督甘尼申被委以议长职是无效的:
(i) 由始至终州议会并没有真正开始进行。
(ii) 许月凤主持的议会中的不合法会议是无效的。
(iii) 甘尼申不是在西华古玛主持的州议会,而是在国阵主持的不合法会议中被选出的。
(iv) 甘尼申是在皇储宣读开幕御词前被选为议长。
10. 光碟中并没有包括议长西华古玛被非法及强硬地拖离议会厅的片段。
马华公会滥用州议会录影断章取义 MCA menyalahguna DVD untuk membuat tuduhan yang melulu terhadap PR
DAP Perak mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya usaha MCA menyalahgunakan DVD, untuk mempersembahkan bahagian sidang DUN 507 yang tidak lengkap, di samping itu juga memburuk-burukkan nama baik ADUN PR. Dalam DVD tersebut tidak mempunyai gambaran Speaker V.Sivakumar diheret keluar oleh Polis, Polis memasuki dewan untuk mencampur urusan dewan, ADUN Rungkup yang mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat dan memukul ADUN Tebing Tinggi.
DAP Perak akan mengeluarkan gambaran video yang lebih terperinci tidak lama lagi. Bagi sesiapa yang minat untuk mendapatkan VCD tentang sidang 507 boleh menghubungi 052535734(Sally)
A stay order pending appeal does not affect the content of a Judgment
- Wrong for Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir to claim that he is now the rightful MB of Perak. He is in contempt of court.
- Suspension of State Secretary and State Legal Adviser from duties still valid
I feel ashamed for Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir who now claimed that he is the rightful Menteri Besar of Perak after the one Judge bench of the Court of Appeal granted him a stay pending his appeal with regard to the judgment of the High Court Judge, Justice Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahim who has declared Dato’ Seri Ir. Nizar Bin Jamalludin as continuing to be the rightful Menteri Besar of Perak from the day he was first appointed. The High Court Judge had ordered that Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir must not continue to present himself as Menteri Besar of Perak or act as one. Therefore, it is in contempt of court for Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir to claim that he is now still the rightful Menteri Besar of Perak.
It is without a doubt that until this High Court Judgment is reversed by the Court of Appeal Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir remains an illegally appointed Menteri Besar as has been declared by the learned High Court Judge.
The following simple illustration will help bring home the point.
A sues B for a debt of RM5,000-00 and B disputes the debt. After hearing, the court declares that B owed A RM5,000-00 and ordered B to pay the said sum to A. B then obtains a stay of the judgment pending appeal. Until the appeal is heard and the lower court judgment reversed, it remains that B owed A RM5,000-00 and has to pay this amount to A.
The stay order merely gave A an opportunity to get the opinion of a higher court with regard to the issue before the judgment of the lower court can be enforced.
Therefore, until the hearing of the appeal, Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir remains an illegally appointed Menteri Besar as has been declared by the High Court. He should not and cannot exercise the powers and the privileges of a Menteri Besar including going back to occupy the office of the Menteri Besar.
As Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir is still the illegally appointed Menteri Besar, he has no power to reinstate the State Secretary and State Legal Adviser who were suspended by the Pakatan Rakyat State Government through its Exco meeting on the night of 11th May 2009 (before the stay order was granted to Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir).
With regard to the opinion expressed by the Chief Secretary to the Government, Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan that action cannot be taken by the State Government against the State Secretary and the State Legal Adviser, I would like to state that such an opinion is legally flawed. The State Secretary and the State Legal Adviser are Federal Officers appointed by the Public Service Commission and the Judicial and Legal Service Commission respectively. However, when they are seconded to and employed by the State Government, the State Government has the authority over them as their employer. Therefore, when they acted against the interest of the State Government or failed to cooperate with the State Government or commit acts of insubordination, they can be suspended from their duties pending formal complaints being lodged against them with the Public Service Commission and the Judicial and Legal Service Commission respectively and be dealth with under the Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993. Any other interpretation will mean that Federal Officers can lord over the State Governments with impunity. Therefore the Perak State Pakatan Rakyat Government has acted within what is permitted in law.
Dated this 13th day of May 2009.
Coordinator of the Pakatan Rakyat legal
team cum the Senior Exco of the Pakatan
Rakyat Perak State Government
Nizar won MB court case today

Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur mengumumkan Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin sebagai menteri besar Perak yang sah.
The Kuala Lumpur High Court today paved the way for a fresh round of battle in Perak by declaring that BN's Zambry Abd Kadir was not the legitimate menteri besar of Perak.
Polis menggunakan FRU bagi menghalang orang ramai di Jamuan Makan Malam DAP Sitiawan, SMK Nam Hwa, untuk tonton video clip persidangan DUN 7/5/2009
Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir and BN elected representatives break the oath of office by colluding with the police and outsiders to forcibly take over the State Assembly and therefore must resign
All elected representatives of the Perak State Assembly took the oath of office to defend the independence of the State Assembly and the Perak State Constitution when they were first sworn in as State Assemblymen and women of the Perak State Assembly.
The need to have the separation of powers between the legislature and the executive is fundamental to our democratic system.
No police or army can be allowed to enter the sacred house of the legislature. Zambry and BN elected representatives had allowed the police to take over the Perak State Assembly for the sake of retaining their power instead of going back to the people for a fresh mandate.
The people must be vigilant and demand for the resignation of Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir and the BN elected representatives less we become a police state very soon. The people must also demand that the State Assembly be dissolved so that the rights to chose the State Government be reverted back to the people to solve the present impasse.
The State Secretary Dato’ Dr Abdul Rahman Bin Hashim is also involved in the scheme to take over the State Assembly by force by allowing the police to enter the State Secretariat Building which house the State Assembly.
The take over of the State Assembly by force was clearly preplanned as the police personnel came from Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Kuantan.
The independence of the Perak State Assembly is totally lost when we allow the police, a Federal department to take control of the Assembly by force.
Dated 9th May 2009.
Senior Exco Member, Pakatan Rakyat Perak State Government, and
DAP Perak Chairman

Let's wear BLACK on 7th May 2009
Thank You for your support on yesterday DAP 43rd Anniversary dinner.
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