Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Monday, November 27, 2006
1. Mempertahankan Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan membantah keras pembentukan negara Islam yang melanggari perlembagaan Persekutuan serta menyeru kerajaan menarikbalik pengumuman Dr. Tun Mahathir Mohammad pada 29.09.2001 yang menyatakan Malaysia merupakan satu Negara Islam.
2. Menggesa Kerajaan memulihkan semula pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan dan mengembalikan hak demokrasi kepada rakyat.
3. Menyeru Kerajaan memansuhkan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri, Akta Rahsia Rasmi, Akta Percetakan dan Pernerbitan serta Akta Kolej dan Universiti demi menepati intipati Demokrasi dan Konsep Keadilan.
4. Menyeru kerajaan mengambil berat tentang kedudukan Malaysia dalam Indeks Rasuah Transparency International yang jatuh dari tempat 37 pada tahun 2003 ke tempat 44 pada tahun 2006 serta menggesa Kerajaan menubuhkan Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) yang Berkecuali dan bertanggungjawab terhadap Parlimen supaya dapat memainkan fungsi sebenar mencegah rasuah tanpa berbelah bagi dan membina pemerintahan kerajaan Bersih.
5. Menyeru Kerajaan memulihkan semula kempen rapat umum (public rally) dan memberikan layanan adil dan saksama kepada semua parti politik tanpa diskriminasi.
6. Menggesa Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) menyempadani kawasan pilihanraya baru dengan memastikan setiap kawasan pilihanraya tidak mempunyai jurang perbezaan bilangan pengundi yang terlalu besar dan prinsip satu orang satu undi mesti dipatuhi.
7. Menggesa Kerajaan membehentikan dasar memecahkan rakyat kepada golongan Bumiputra dan Bukan Bumiputra dengan menggantikannya dengan dasar hak samarata antara setiap kaum demi membentuk satu Bangsa Malaysia.
8. Mendesak Kerajaan mengkaji semula secara menyeluruh dasar dan setiap projek penswastaan untuk mencegah syarikat penswastaan mengaut keuntungan luar biasa dengan status monopoli. DAP juga menyeru supaya membuka peluang kepada semua kaum untuk menyertai projek penswastaan tanpa berbelah bagi.
9. Membidas kerajaan meluluskan Akta Industri Pembekalan Air 2006 yang memasukkan bil Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) dalam bil bekalan air dan memaksa rakyat membayar bayaran pembetungan yang melanggar keputusan Mahkamah.
10. Menyeru Kerajaan meminda Peraturan Tanah negeri untuk memperbaharui pajakan suratan hakmilik tanah yang tamat tempoh secara automatik supaya menjamin keperntingan Rakyat, pada masa yang sama juga melanjutkan tempoh pajakan kawasan kampung baru ke tempoh 99 tahun.
11. Menyeru kerajaan memastikan peruntukkan kerajaan adalah transpirasi dan mengelakkan peristiwa rampas peruntukkan atau mengambil kesempatan dalam peruntukkan daripada berlaku.
12. Menyeru kerajaan menubuhkan IPCMC dan membina satu pasukan polis yang bertaraf dunia.
13. Menyeru kerajaan mengambil berat tentang masalah peningkatan jenayah dan kemerosotan keselamatan di negara dengan meningkatkan kecekapan pasukan polis dan menambah rondaan polis demi menjamin satu kehidupan yang selesa dan selamat bagi rakyat.
14. Membidas kerajaan menjalankan polisi discriminasi yang melanggar Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang mana kharj dan fitrah dibenarkan dalam pemotongan cukai keuntungan yang harus dibayar tetapi tiada peruntukkan yang sama bagi derma ke atas agama-agama lain.
15. Menggesa Kerajaan meluluskan undang-undang melarang penubuhan parti politik yang berasaskan etnik kaum tunggal supaya membentuk satu Bangsa Malaysia dan memelihara perpaduan masyarakat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum.
16. Menggesa Kerajaan dan ajensi yang bertanggung jawab membuat siasatan ke atas skandal MAIKA di mana MAIKA terpaksa menanggung jumlah hutang sebanyak RM238,333,374.00 dan sejumlah 66400 Rakyat Malaysia berbangsa India yang melaburkan RM106,000,000tidak mendapat sebarang dividen bagi 10 tahun yang lepas serta membawa pegawai MAIKA yang bertanggung jawab ke Mahkamah.
17. Mengesa Kerajaan malaksanakan polisi pengambilan kakitangan awam yang adil supaya lebih ramai Rakyat bukan Melayu diterima masuk ke Sektor Awam serta memperbaiki peratus 8% Cina dan 5% India dalam Sektor Awam.
18. Menyeru kerajaan mengiktirafkan laporan yang membuktikan equiti bumiputera telah melepasi sasaran 30% NEP serta memansuhkan NEP dan menggantikannya dengan satu polisi yang menitikberatkan kesaksamaan antara semua rakyat.
19. Menyeru kerajaan mengambil berat tentang FDI negara yang semakin merosot serta bagi kali pertama diatasi oleh Indonesia dalam senarai FDI.
20. Menggesa Kerajaan Pusat dan Negeri membuka peluang secara adil dan saksama semua projek awam kepada kontraktor semua kaum secara tender terbuka untuk projek awam supaya melayan setiap rakyat dengan adil dan tanpa diskriminasi.
21. Membidas keputusan kerajaan untuk menaikkan harga petrol beberapa kali yang menyebabkan beban rakyat semakin berat dan kejadian inflasi serta menyeru kerajaan mengedarkan keuntungan Petronas kepaada semua rakyat.
22. Membantah keras terhadap keputusan kerajaan yang meluluskan kenaikan harga perkhidmatan awam secara sewenang-wenangnya seperti kadar Tol Lebuhraya, kadar Petrol, telekomunikasi, kadar Air, elektrik, perkhidmatan kesihatan dan perubatan, kadar elektrik, kadar bekalan air serta yuran pendaftaran tanah supaya tidak membebankan rakyat.
23. Menyeru semua kerajaan negeri melaksanakan keputusan Majlis Tanah Negara membuka tanah rizab Melayu kepada semua kaum untuk mengelakkan pembaziran sumber tanah dan bersama-sama membangunkan ekonomi demi kebaikan semua pihak.
24. Menyeru Kerajaan Negeri Perak merizabkan dan mengekalkan kawasan tanah tanaman limau tambun(pamelo) seluas 350 ekar supaya memelihara kehidupan petani dan khazanah lembah kinta serta menjamin milikan tanah bagi petani-petani.
25. Menggesa Kerajaan memperuntukkan lebih lot tanah untuk tapak perkuburan Cina dan memansuhkan pengutipan cukai pendapatan pentadbiran perkuburan serta memastikan tapak perkuburan tidak diambil dengan apa jua sahaja alasan.
26. Menyeru kerajaan merangkumkan karya-karya Bahasa Cina dan Tamil dalam Hadiah Sastera Negara dan menghormati nilai kepelbagaian etnik di negara.
27. Menyeru kerajaan menghormati hasrat komuniti Cina dengan mengkaji semula dan memansuhkan system 243 dan 6232 yang melanggar prinsip pendidikan serta menghormati bahasa Tiong Hua dalam mengajar, mengkuji dan memeriksa mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa ibunda kecuali subjek Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris supaya memastikan hak membelajari bahasa ibunda tidak tergugat.
28. Menghentak polisi kerajaan BN yang tidak membina sebarang sekolah Cina dan sekolah tamil di bawah RMK-9 yang mencadangkan 180 buah sekolah rendah dibina serta mengesa kerajaan memberi peruntukkan yang adil dan saksama kepada sekolah Cina dan sekolah Tamil dan membina sekolah-sekolah mengikut keperluan komuniti dan kawasan.
29. Menyeru Kerajaan menghargai sumbangan Sekolah Mengengah Tinggi (SUWA) dalam mendidik generasi muda negara dan menubuhkan “Tabung Sejuta Pembangunan Pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Tinggi” dengan memberikan peruntukan setiap tahun serta mengiktiraf sijil peperiksaan SUWA yang telah diiktiraf di peringkat antarabangsa.
30. Menyeru kerajaan mengambil berat tentang kemerosotan qualiti akedemik dan senarai universiti sedunia bagi Institute Pengajian Tinggi Awam.
31. Menyeru kerajaan memansuhkan Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti 1971 dan menggantikannya denganAkta Universiti yang baru yang mematuhi prinsipal kebebasan akedemik dan kedemokrasian kampus.
32. Menggesa Kerajaan membuka semula SJK(C) Damansara supaya mempertahankan hak komuniti tempatan untuk mempunyai sekolah sendiri.
33. Menggesa kerajaan memansuhkan dwi-system dalam pengambilan siswazah Universiti Tempatan dan menggantikannya dengan satu system peperiksaan umum yang berasaskan meritokrasi.
1. 大会坚决反对任何形式的回教国,维护宪法保障下的世俗民主制度。大会同时呼吁政府收回前 任首相敦马哈迪于2001年9月29日宣布我国为回教国的违反宪法宣布。
2. 大会促请政府恢复地方政府选举,还政于民。
3. 大会促请政府废除内安法令、官方机密法令、出版及印刷法令及大专法令,以符合民主公正要求。
4. 大会促请政府严正看待国家在国际透明贪污指数从2003年的37名逐年滑落至2006年第44名事件,政府受促设立直接向国会负责、独立操作的反贪污局,以展开无畏无私的执法行动,树立廉政风气。
5. 大会要求政府恢复群众大会,公平对待朝野政党。
6. 大会呼吁选举委员会在划分选区时,尊重一人一票精神,避免最多选民和最少选民选区的人数差距太过悬殊。
7. 大会促请政府停止把人民分裂成土著与非土著,以全民平等的马来西亚民族取代。
8. 大会促请政府全面检讨并严加监督各项私营化计划,以杜绝私营化计划牟取暴利的不正当商业手法,并开放于各民族参与。
9. 大会谴责国阵政府通过2006年水供工业法令将英达利水排污费纳入水费单,强迫人民缴纳排污费的作法,违反没有服务、不可收费的大原则。
10. 大会促请国阵政府修改土地条规,让新村地契期满后自动更新,保障人民拥有土地自主权的权利,同时让新村地契延长至99年。
11. 大会促请政府确保所有官方拨款透明化,避免“拨款骑劫”和“拨款干捞”事件的发生。
12. 大会促请政府立刻成立警察独立投诉及滥权委员会,打造第一流世界级警队。
13. 大会促请政府正视国内日益败坏的治安问题,全面加紧警队效率和巡逻,还国民一个安全的生活环境。
14. 大会谴责国阵政府违反宪法的歧视性政策,在批准回教捐献纳入个人所得税回扣之余,却没有给予国内其他宗教捐献平等的对待。
15. 大会要求政府立法禁止单一种族性政党,塑造大马民族及维护多元民族团结。
16. 大会促请政府以及相关机构对麦卡控股承担2亿3千833万374令吉债务、66400名马来西亚印裔投资1亿600万令吉后在过去10年没有获得分发任何佣金丑闻,即刻进行调查并提控涉及不当行经的麦卡官员。
17. 大会促请政府落实公平录取公务员政策,录取更多的非马来人进入公共服务机构,改善公共服务只有8巴仙华裔以及5巴仙印裔的情况。
18. 大会促请政府正视土著股权已经超过新经济政策30巴仙目标的报告,即刻废除新经济政策,以一个全民平等政策取代。
19. 大会促请政府严正看待我国对全球投资者吸引力的消退,从1990年联合国直接外资地点的第4名滑落至2005年的62名,第一次排在印尼之后的情况。
20. 大会要求政府公平开放各类大小工程于各民族承标,以公开招标方式颁布政府合约。
21. 大会谴责政府批准油价三番四次上涨加重人民生活负担加剧国内通膨,并促请政府将国油盈利公平分给每个国民。
22. 大会坚决反对政府随意批准调涨公用事业收费,如大道、汽油、电讯、医药保健、电费、水费、土地注册费,以免人民生活百上加斤。
23. 大会促请州政府开放土地于各民族,避免土地荒废并促进经济发展。
24. 大会促请霹雳州政府保留打扪区350亩柚子园以维护近打区特产并照顾农民生计,在州内同时落实耕者有其田的政策以照顾农民福利。
25. 大会促请政府拨出更多地段作为华人义山用途,大会也促请州政府免除华人义山税务,不得以任何藉口,征用现有的华人义山地段。
26. 大会促请政府把华文与淡米尔文创作列入国家文学奖,实现重视多元民族文化的价值。
27. 大会促请国阵政府尊重华社意愿,即刻检讨并废除违反教育原理的243、6232英语教数理方案,恢复母语教学、出题及应考。
28. 大会谴责政府在第9大马计划下计划兴建180间新小学却不兴建华淡小的政策,促请国阵政府给予华淡小公平合理的拨款,全面依据地区人口需求兴建新国小、华小和淡小。
29. 大会促请政府珍惜独中为国家培育人才的贡献,设立「独中发展百万基金」常年拨款于独中,并承认独中统考文凭资格,解决人才外流问题。
30. 大会促请政府关注国立大学学术水平下跌、在世界大学排行榜中日益下滑的情况。
31. 大会促请政府废除1971年大专法令,改以符合校园自治、学术自由及校园民主3大原则的新大学法取代。
32. 大会促请政府马上重开白小,树立维护社区拥有学校的权利。
33. 大会促请政府废除大学入学双重标准入学制,以一个以绩效为标准的单一考试取代。
根据联合国人类发展报告,我国的贫富鸿沟是全东南亚最高的一个国家。新经济政策使到富者越富、以及惠及巫统和国阵的权贵。就如在最近的报章报导,富有的马来人可以在一个婚礼耗费350万令吉、一名马来人部长可以赔偿离婚妻子5千万财产和现金、以及被指责向敦马哈迪喷危险物品的马来政治人物可以拥有大房子、10辆豪华房车包括价值1百万令吉7,500cc 的Cardillac !

13th Perak DAP Annual Convention

Speech by Mr Ngeh Koo Ham at the 13th Perak DAP Annual Convention on 26/11/2006, Sunday at Hotel Excelsior, Ipoh, Perak
The euphoria of BN landslide's victory led by Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Abdullah Badawi in the last General Election has waned. The people realize that the high hopes they placed on Dato’ Seri Abdullah Badawi are broken dreams.
1. Racism – A vote for BN is a vote for racist UMNO
The recent UMNO Assembly once again shows that UMNO is a racist party and MCA, Gerakan and MIC and other component parties within BN are cowards who do not dare to stand up to the racism that is practised by UMNO. Supporters of MCA, Gerakan, MIC and other component parties must realize by now that a vote for Barisan Nasional is a vote for UMNO which is so dominant in BN that other component parties are cowed and have no say in BN. We are so disappointed with Dato’ Seri Abdullah Badawi who has declared himself to be the Prime Minister for all but did not rebuke or take action against those who have uttered seditious remarks during the UMNO General Assembly. Please walk the talk Mr Prime Minister! The people must send a clear message to BN and UMNO in the next general election that we live in a multi racial and multi religious country and that any form of racial or religious bigotry will not be tolerated.
2. Corruption
Dato’ Seri Abdullah is shackled within the corrupt system of the Barisan Nasional. The corruption within the country has worsen. Placed 23 in 1995 and 37 in 2003 (when the former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad stepped down) our position has dropped drastically to 44 in the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index. We would once again want our Mr Prime Minister to walk the talk!
3. National Debt
Apart from the worsening corruption in the country, our national financial situation has also worsen. Our nation is indebted to the tune of RM238.4 billion (each Malaysian owing about RM10,000-00) and by the end of the 9th Malaysia Plan our debt is expected to increase to RM315.3 billion! i.e each Malaysian will be indebted in the sum of about RM13,700-00. We do not want to go through the experience of a developed nation like Argentina whose economy collapsed after 15 years of mismanagement. Argentina was placed the last among developed nations before its economic collapse while our country is placed top among the developing nations. A country that is ahead of us can collapse into economic chaos so can it also happen to our nation if we do not act to turn it around.
4. Economy
The national per capital income as announced by the Federal Government is RM19,484-00 which translates to a family of 5 (i.e 2 parents and 3 children) getting a salary of RM8,118-00 per month. In Perak the per capital income is only RM15,229-00 which translates to a family of 5 getting RM6,345-00 a month. However, we do not see the average Malaysian getting the type of salaries as stated above. The vast majority of Malaysians earn far below RM8,118-00 a month. The gap between the rich and the poor is very vast indeed. According to the United National report on Human Development the gap between the rich and the poor is widest in Malaysia among the ASEAN nations.The New Economic Policy only enrich the rich and the selected group within UMNO and BN. As can be see in recent newspaper reports, the rich Malays can afford to spend RM3.5 million for a wedding, a Malay Minister can afford to give his wife properties and cash worth RM50.00 million in a divorce settlement and the Malay politician who is charged for alleged spraying of dangerous substance on Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad can own a huge mansion with more than 10 luxury cars including a stretch 7,500cc Cardillac limousine bought for RM1,000,000-00! The DAP once again call on the government to help the people base on his/her economic standing and not base on his/her race.
5. Universities and University Colleges Act 1971
Generally speaking, the policy of the BN disallowing university and college under graduates to participate in politics is producing a generation of ‘I, Me, Self’ generation who is only concern for his/her career, his/her family and his/her life. Leisure and pleasure become the guiding principles of their lives compare to the past generation who were taught to sacrifice self for society and the nation. We must be worried what will become our nation when leaders with these values were to assume leadership in the not too distant future. The DAP call on the Government to allow the undergraduates to be nurtured in a more balanced way to care and show concern for the public and the nation.
6. Call to rise to the occasion
The people are looking for leadership of people who walk the talk. The opposition is expected to gain more support as people realized that real check and balance can only come from without and not within the BN system.
I call on DAP members and leaders to be prepared to shoulder the greater responsibility that the people would like us to play after the next general election.
I call on more calibered people to join the DAP to heed the cries of the people for good genuine people oriented leaders who are clean and trust worthy.
I call on all members to continue to disseminate the message that for an effective check and balance we need a greater opposition. We need to ensure that those who qualify to vote will register to vote so that their support can be translated and be seen in the next general election.
Perak DAP State Annual Convention(1)

Speech By DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng During The Perak DAP State Annual Convention In Excelsior Hotel, Ipoh On 26.11.2006
Restoring Bangsa Malaysia As Part Of National Policy
In the UMNO General Assembly, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s policy speech “Fulfilling Promises” was not the most important speech because he failed to fulfill promises did not perform well even in his self-designed own report card. The most important speech was made by Deputy UMNO President Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in his winding up on 17 November 2006 when he said that “Bangsa Malaysia” was not part of national policy but only a general concept. This is a complete reversal of previous BN policy of creating a national Malaysian race that can over-ride race and religion in the path towards national unity.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi would only just pass his own self-desinged report card by garnering a 42% score as he has only made progress in 5 out of his 12 pillars of good governance. (40% is now the passing mark in schools as compared to 50% during our time)
Abdullah's 12 pillars of good governance are:-
1. Effective leadership is respected leadership.
2. Democracy flourishes through collective responsibility.
3. Development of human capital via quality holistic education programmes.
4. Ensure economic growth by exploring new sources while focusing on rural development and modernization of agriculture.
5. Develop a bumiputera commercial and industrial community, and a bumiputera science and technology community.
6. Acknowledging the role of the private sector to generate economic growth, particularly in creating new economic opportunities.
7. To enhance public sector performance, in particular, improving public delivery systems, and facilitate the role of the private sector.
8. Addressing corruption by emphasizing on both preventive and punitive approaches.
9. Enforcing the rule of law in a firm and transparent manner, particularly in the fight against crime.
10. Encouraging a more equitable and active participation of youth and the emancipation of women.
11. Defending Malaysia's sovereignity.
12. Strengthening national unity.
Of the 12 pillars, Abdullah can only claim progress in 5 pillars namely, rural development and agriculture(No. 4), bumiputera development(No. 5), acknowledging the role of private sector(No. 6), youth and women(No. 10), and defending Malaysia’s sovereignty(No. 11). As for the remaining 7 pillars, either no progress has been made or Malaysia has backslided in becoming worse off.
How can there be effective leadership when his predecessor who appointed him has declared open war against Abdullah barely 2 years after Abdullah took over as Prime Minister? Where are the improvements in democracy when oppressive laws such as as Printing Presses & Publications Act(PPPA), Sedition Act(SA), Internal Security Act(ISA) and Official Secrets Act(OSA) are still retained and applied indiscriminately and arbitrarily.
Corruption is now worse off than when Tun Dr Mahathir retired in 2003, Malaysia was ranked No. 37 under the Transparency International’s(TI) Corruption Perception Index.but now is ranked No. 44. The latest RM 600 million rural development fund announced by Abdullah is given exclusively to the UMNO Division heads of RM 3 million each. Human capital development still takes a back seat to racial quotas and anti-competitive policies.
Public sector performance, especially in delivery system is poor with the litany of abuses of powers, non-performance or delays in implementation of development projects by civil servants resulting in higher costs or abandoned projects. Even enforcing the rule of law and fighting crime is a failure when for the first 9 months of this year the national crime index increased by 12.6% to 170,481 crimes reported as compared to 151,444 crimes reported for the same period last year.
DAP General Assemblies Do Not Contain Fiery Seditious Speeches That Threatens To Burn Down Kuala Lumpur Or Bathe In The Blood Of Other Malaysians.
Finally, national unity is under severe strains with higher intolerance on race and religion as exemplified by extremist threats of UMNO delegates in this general assembly such as:-
n another repeat of May 13 worse than the racial riots in 1969 that would leave Kuala Lumpur completely devastated and ruined battlefield.
n Umno is willing to risk lives, use the kris and bathe in blood in defence of race and religion from non-Muslims or non-Malays.
UMNO leaders have tried to justify such seditious and inflammatory speeches by claiming that the general assemblies of other political parties such as MCA and Gerakan contain similar speeches and that the DAP meetings are worse than UMNO’s in promoting and defending non-Malay rights and attack Malay interests. I wish to state categorically that DAP meetings have never made inflammatory speeches threatening to burn down towns,harm or bathe in the blood of other Malaysians. DAP is an inclusive and peaceful party using constitutional means to benefit all Malaysians regardless of race and religion.
DAP demands that action under the Sedition Act be taken against any political parties whether MCA, Gerakan or other opposition political parties that allows such seditious and inflammatory speeches be made. Stern action must be taken against political parties that seeks to harm and hurt Malaysians.
Definition Of Bangsa Malaysia Accepted By All Malaysians With No Race As The Pivotal Or Dominant Race.
DAP stood alone for 40 years promoting Malaysian Malaysia, opposed by BN that practiced divide and rule politics based on race and religion. DAP believed the path towards nation-building was not towards a pure nation state that is homogenous and uniform but is heterogenous and diverse. Unity in diversity was our commitment, respect and acceptance of political equality and social-economic justice our political struggle.
In the face of persecution where DAP leaders were detained or charged in court on flimsy grounds, DAP held steadfast to this singular concept of building a nation with a shared destiny and common values. This burning idealism of DAP leaders garnered overwhelming support from Malaysians, especially non-Malays, until BN leaders posed this question, “What does the non-Malays want?”
Finally former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad bowed to DAP’s superior logic by accepting the future destiny of Malaysians lies in DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia, which Mahathir called Bangsa Malaysia. Even though DAP faced electoral losses when BN successfully co-opted Bangsa Malaysia as part of national policy, DAP gave full support in the interests of the nation.
Bangsa Malaysia is one of the nine challenges in Vision 2002 of achieving developed nation status. Mahathir defined it succinctly in an Asiaweek’s 6/10/1995 issue as "people being able to identify themselves with the country, speak Bahasa Malaysia and accept the Constitution”. This definition of Bangsa Malaysia with no race as the pivotal race over other races have been accepted by most Malaysians.
For the past decade this definition of Bangsa Malaysia has been part of national policy. However on 17.11.2006, everything changed during the winding-up speech by UMNO Deputy President and Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at the UMNO General Assembly. Najib declared that Bangsa Malaysia was not part of national policy but only a general concept. He gave assurances that the present constitutional provision protecting Malay special rights would not be affected just as Malay dominance over all other races would be the hallmark of BN in government.
Struggle For The Sole Of Malaysia Has Begun
The struggle for the soul of Malaysia has begun, whether we see our country as a nation for all or bracketed into first and second-class citizens with the Malays as the pivotal race. By abandoning Bangsa Malaysia as part of national policy in preference for Malay dominance, Malaysia is going backwards towards Hitler’s racial supremacy and regressing towards South African’s apartheid policies of racial dominance.
Malaysians must not allow UMNO to continue to divide us but must stand up together to loudly and clearly oppose the language of racial division hatred and violence in the UMNO General Assembly. That Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi did not even reprimand UMNO delegates for threatening to kill and burn non-Muslims and their homes shows that he is not the Prime Minister of all Malaysians. Using majority power to rule by fiat and divine rule makes a mockery of democracy which ensures basic inalienable rights of political equality and socio-economic justice to minorities.
Rejecting Bangsa Malaysia is only the first step towards homogeneity with a common race, religion, language and culture as well as uniformity of the necessary laws to achieve these goals. The ugly manifestation of such discriminatory policies can be seen when non-Malays who have lived here for centuries are somehow inferior to Malays who have only been granted citizenship. For instance, Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Mohd Khir Toyo’s father was an Indonesian from Jawa whilst his mother a Malaysian citizen. However Mohd Khir is now a bumiputera superior to all Malays whose grandparents were born in Malaysia. Is this fair and just?
DAP Perak Must Double Its 3 Parliamentary And 7 State Seats To Drive Home The Message That Bangsa Malaysia A Part Of National Policy Again.
DAP Perak must double its 3 parliamentary and 7 state seats to drive home the message that Bangsa Malaysia is part of national policy again. As the front-line state, DAP Perak should take the lead to restore Bangsa Malaysia with shared values and a common destiny. Our shared values revolve around democracy, freedom, justice, integrity and human dignity for all.
This is our common destiny – achieving and enjoying prosperity together. We must emphasize wealth creation and an equitable wealth distribution relying on academic excellence, economic competitiveness, technological merit and knowledge management as well as based on the principle that the benefits of prosperity and burdens are to be shared equitably.
There can be no Malay agenda, Chinese agenda, Kadazan agenda, Iban agenda or Indian agenda. There is only one Malaysian agenda. We see a Malaysian soul that is peaceful, inclusive, tolerant and respects everyone not one that is filled with hatred, exclusive, intolerant and oppresses other Malaysians. Let all Malaysians who love freedom, democracy, integrity and justice fight to save the soul of our nation.

Thursday, November 23, 2006
巫统大会回响 行动党今办论坛
Monday, November 20, 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Monday, November 13, 2006

两个不同事件 同样一个无能

槟城巴生市议会无能 还政于民刻不容缓
两个不同事件 同样一个无能
Friday, November 10, 2006

Thursday, November 9, 2006
AGM of Maika

Media Statement by M. Kula Segaran MP for Ipoh Barat and DAP National Vice Chairman at 31st October2006 at 3pm in Kuala Lumpur
AGM of Maika a fiasco and a let down to the Indian community
The much-awaited Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Maika Holdings Berhad(Maika) proceeded today at Legend Hotel as scheduled despite much protest.
Nearly over 500 shareholders of Maika attended the meeting to day. During the Chairman’s speech, Tan Sri Abdul Rashid bin Manaf’s , he informed the house that the Board had decided not to table the Motion seeking approval for the sale of the Oriental Capital Assurance Berhad(OCAB) shares. I believe that decision was a result of the overwhelming public sentiments and news in the media that OCAB was a valuable asset of the community and the ailing Maika Holdings, and that it’s is the only investment of the Company yielding profits.
After the Chairman’s speech I immediately stood up and informed the Chair that the AGM must be adjourned as many share holders have not been properly notified of today’s meeting. Many shareholders have not received the Annual Report and the financial statement of Maika. I had on last Friday written to the Board of Directors of Maika urging them to postpone the meeting to give an opportunity to over 64,000 shareholders to attend the AGM. I also informed the Chairman that many who bought the shares in 1983 had pawned jewellieries sold their dairies, and came from the down trodden and poor Indian community who all invested on the assurance that their investments would bear fruits handsomely. They should be given sufficient Notice of the AGM. The Chair disagreed that the AGM need to be adjourned and said he was of the opinion that the due notice of the AGM has been given and there was no necessity to postpone the AGM.
The meeting proceeded with the First agenda of the AGM namely “to receive and adopt the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2005 together with reports of the directors and Auditors”. Then the Chairman answered some queries raised by the shareholders. Thereafter the Chairman put the First agenda for adoption of the members by way of show of hands. Votes were taken by show of hands. It became clear that nearly 70% of those present voted against the adoption of the accounts as being correct. Having realized the defeat, he refused to inform the house of the results. Despite repeated request and demands by many present including Mr Kumarasen and Mr Vembarasaan and others the Chairman insisted to proceed with agenda number 2 without announcing the results.
Furthermore, the Chairman of the meeting reiterated that it was his prerogative not to reveal the results. He further exercised his right as the Chairman of the meeting to call for a poll. I insisted that he should be fair and accountable enough to reveal the vote count of hands before adopting another mode for the adoption.
The Auditors, Messrs Ernst & Young, as scrutinizers and the officers carried out the counting of those who were in favor and against the resolution. Accordingly Ernst & Young were supposed to announce the results to the shareholders but despite repeated plea from the members they too failed to discharge the duties.
As I was then addressing the Chair and told him that many Indians all round the country had invested in Maika with lots of hope and aspirations and in the interest of justice and fair play the Chairman must disclose the results without any further ado. At this juncture a guy sitting on my right side approached me and elbowed me and pushed me away from the mike. A commotion broke out and all ran loose. The person who elbowed me was the Tenggaru State Assemblyman from Johore. Some others with him also used foul language against others and threatened me for raising questions.
We also heard the Chairman calling for order many times but it was just getting worse when voices from the floor requested for the announcement of the results in response to the call. I then heard the Chairman saying the meeting was adjourned and as the commotion was not under control we then staged a walk out.
I am surprised with the conduct of the some shareholders whose acts was no different from gangsters in nature and was done in a very uncivilized manner. The chap who elbowed me is a State Assembly man and this speaks volumes of the party he comes.
Many a time I have spoken in an out of Parliament that gangsterism is a serious problem among the Indian community as 33% of all crime in this country involves the Indian Community. Nearly 50% of the restricted residents at Simapng Renggan are also Indians. There is an urgent need by the authorities to address this. Now the question is how deeply involved are BN political parties in patronizing gangsterism?
M.Kula Segaran

Wednesday, November 8, 2006
No Special rights for any race under the Federal Constitution
on 8/11/2005 (Wednesday) at 11.30 am
No Special rights for any race under the Federal Constitution. All are equal before the law except that due to the special position of the Malays and the natives of the states of Sabah and Sarawak needing help it will be constitutional to reserve such proportion as may be deemed reasonable in 5 areas or matters to assist them.
It is with deep regret that the UMNO Johore and the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak continue to harp on the special rights of the Malays which do not exist under our Federal Constitution. Due to its political dominance UMNO has blatantly disregarded the provisions of the Federal Constitution. UMNO is embolden in its Malay racial supremacy policy due in part by the cowardice of the other Barisan National component parties especially MCA, MIC and Gerakan.
Article 8 of the Federal Constitution provides for equal treatment of all persons irrespective of race or religion while Article 153 of the Federal Constitution recognizes the special position of the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak needing help and therefore, allows the Government to render special assistance to Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak by reserving such proportion as may be reasonable in 5 areas namely positions in public service, scholarships, exhibitions, educational or training privileges and permits or licences for operation of trade or business to assist them.
Art 153 was intended to help the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak who were poorer and in need of help rather than the creation of a ‘Bumiputra’ privilege class. Our Government was vocal against aparteid in South Africa but has been practising it in our own backyard. What is most disheartening is that many poor and needy bumiputras do not benefit from Article 153 but the rich and well connected bumiputras.
The following are Government policies which are in contravention of Article 8 and not under the areas of positive discrimination allowed under the Article 153 are as follows:-
i) Awarding Government contracts exclusively to Bumiputras
ii) Insisting that Bumiputras be given 5% to 10% discount in the purchase of houses and business premises
iii) Giving book loans to children of parents earning less than RM2,000-00 in Malay or Religious medium schools while children in Chinese and Tamil medium schools are entitled to book loan only if their parents earn less than RM1,000-00.
iv) Giving income tax rebate for Zakat ,Fitrah and other Islamic dues but this rebate is not extended to religious and charitable donations/givings of other religions.
Awarding Government contracts based on race is totally prohibited by Article 8 and is not one of the areas of positive discrimination allowed under Article 153
Awarding contracts to bumiputras does not mean helping the general Bumiputra population. It only benefit the well connected bumiputras. It is also an open secret that many of these contracts are awarded to bumiputra companies which are unable to do the job and are passed down from one hand to another which translate into higher costs for the Government which in turn must be borne by the people.
With regard to the employment of workers in the public service, the Government has also breached Article 153 in failing to observe ‘such proportion as may be reasonable’ for the Malays and natives of Sabah and Sarawak.
There is now 83.7% Bumiputra, 8.2% Chinese, 5.2% Indians and 3.3% others in the Federal Government’s Public Service. At the Perak State Level there is 87.83% Malays, 0.97% Chinese, 8.37% Indian and 0.23% others in the State Public Service. These figures are reflective of a racially discriminatory policy in the recruitment of public servants of the Federal and State Governments.
The people must be united behind DAP to ensure that all Malaysian citizens are treated equally irrespective race or religion. DAP advocates special assistance to only those who are poor and needy which was the spirit behind Article 153 of the Federal Constitution and also the basis of our party’s social policy.
The DAP stands out distinctively as a party that advocates equality for every Malaysia citizen irrespective of their race or religion. I call on the people to support the stand advocated by the DAP if we want to see a united and progressive Malaysia. History is a testimony to us that a nation ruled by racial and religious discrimination will only end in strife and ruin.
DAP Malaysia
Deputy Secretary General
Chairman of DAP Perak
Tuesday, November 7, 2006

两种入学方式让优秀生 欲哭无泪

针对大学现有的录取制度,倪氏指出,政府现今把一年课程的大学预科班与两年课程的高等教育文凭(STPM)相提并论作 为入学资格是不公平的。“苹果与橙虽同是水果,他们却是完全不同的水果,政府必须为全国学生提供一个公平的平台,否则30年来每年优秀生欲哭无泪的画面将 会重演。”
惟倪可敏,则持不同意见。他指现有的大专法令必须废除。政府应制定新的大学法,而新法令必须符合校园自主(campus authonomy)、学术自由及学生自治3大原则,让教育回归教育,免除政治干预。


1. Mempertahankan Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan membantah keras pembentukan negara Islam yang melanggari perlembagaan Persekutuan serta menyeru kerajaan menarikbalik pengumuman Dr. Tun Mahathir Mohammad pada 29.09.2001 yang menyatakan Malaysia merupakan satu Negara Islam.
2. Menggesa Kerajaan memulihkan semula pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan dan mengembalikan hak demokrasi kepada rakyat.
3. Menyeru Kerajaan memansuhkan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri, Akta Rahsia Rasmi, Akta Percetakan dan Pernerbitan serta Akta Kolej dan Universiti demi menepati intipati Demokrasi dan Konsep Keadilan.
4. Menyeru kerajaan mengambil berat tentang kedudukan Malaysia dalam Indeks Rasuah Transparency International yang jatuh dari tempat 37 pada tahun 2003 ke tempat 44 pada tahun 2006 serta menggesa Kerajaan menubuhkan Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) yang Berkecuali dan bertanggungjawab terhadap Parlimen supaya dapat memainkan fungsi sebenar mencegah rasuah tanpa berbelah bagi dan membina pemerintahan kerajaan Bersih.
5. Menyeru Kerajaan memulihkan semula kempen rapat umum (public rally) dan memberikan layanan adil dan saksama kepada semua parti politik tanpa diskriminasi.
6. Menggesa Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) menyempadani kawasan pilihanraya baru dengan memastikan setiap kawasan pilihanraya tidak mempunyai jurang perbezaan bilangan pengundi yang terlalu besar dan prinsip satu orang satu undi mesti dipatuhi.
7. Menggesa Kerajaan membehentikan dasar memecahkan rakyat kepada golongan Bumiputra dan Bukan Bumiputra dengan menggantikannya dengan dasar hak samarata antara setiap kaum demi membentuk satu Bangsa Malaysia.
8. Mendesak Kerajaan mengkaji semula secara menyeluruh dasar dan setiap projek penswastaan untuk mencegah syarikat penswastaan mengaut keuntungan luar biasa dengan status monopoli. DAP juga menyeru supaya membuka peluang kepada semua kaum untuk menyertai projek penswastaan tanpa berbelah bagi.
9. Membidas kerajaan meluluskan Akta Industri Pembekalan Air 2006 yang memasukkan bil Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) dalam bil bekalan air dan memaksa rakyat membayar bayaran pembetungan yang melanggar keputusan Mahkamah.
10. Menyeru Kerajaan meminda Peraturan Tanah negeri untuk memperbaharui pajakan suratan hakmilik tanah yang tamat tempoh secara automatik supaya menjamin keperntingan Rakyat, pada masa yang sama juga melanjutkan tempoh pajakan kawasan kampung baru ke tempoh 99 tahun.
11. Menyeru kerajaan memastikan peruntukkan kerajaan adalah transpirasi dan mengelakkan peristiwa rampas peruntukkan atau mengambil kesempatan dalam peruntukkan daripada berlaku.
12. Menyeru kerajaan menubuhkan IPCMC dan membina satu pasukan polis yang bertaraf dunia.
13. Menyeru kerajaan mengambil berat tentang masalah peningkatan jenayah dan kemerosotan keselamatan di negara dengan meningkatkan kecekapan pasukan polis dan menambah rondaan polis demi menjamin satu kehidupan yang selesa dan selamat bagi rakyat.
14. Membidas kerajaan menjalankan polisi discriminasi yang melanggar Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang mana kharj dan fitrah dibenarkan dalam pemotongan cukai keuntungan yang harus dibayar tetapi tiada peruntukkan yang sama bagi derma ke atas agama-agama lain.
15. Menggesa Kerajaan meluluskan undang-undang melarang penubuhan parti politik yang berasaskan etnik kaum tunggal supaya membentuk satu Bangsa Malaysia dan memelihara perpaduan masyarakat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum.
16. Menggesa Kerajaan dan ajensi yang bertanggung jawab membuat siasatan ke atas skandal MAIKA di mana MAIKA terpaksa menanggung jumlah hutang sebanyak RM238,333,374.00 dan sejumlah 66400 Rakyat Malaysia berbangsa India yang melaburkan RM106,000,000tidak mendapat sebarang dividen bagi 10 tahun yang lepas serta membawa pegawai MAIKA yang bertanggung jawab ke Mahkamah.
17. Mengesa Kerajaan malaksanakan polisi pengambilan kakitangan awam yang adil supaya lebih ramai Rakyat bukan Melayu diterima masuk ke Sektor Awam serta memperbaiki peratus 8% Cina dan 5% India dalam Sektor Awam.
18. Menyeru kerajaan mengiktirafkan laporan yang membuktikan equiti bumiputera telah melepasi sasaran 30% NEP serta memansuhkan NEP dan menggantikannya dengan satu polisi yang menitikberatkan kesaksamaan antara semua rakyat.
19. Menyeru kerajaan mengambil berat tentang FDI negara yang semakin merosot serta bagi kali pertama diatasi oleh Indonesia dalam senarai FDI.
20. Menggesa Kerajaan Pusat dan Negeri membuka peluang secara adil dan saksama semua projek awam kepada kontraktor semua kaum secara tender terbuka untuk projek awam supaya melayan setiap rakyat dengan adil dan tanpa diskriminasi.
21. Membidas keputusan kerajaan untuk menaikkan harga petrol beberapa kali yang menyebabkan beban rakyat semakin berat dan kejadian inflasi serta menyeru kerajaan mengedarkan keuntungan Petronas kepaada semua rakyat.
22. Membantah keras terhadap keputusan kerajaan yang meluluskan kenaikan harga perkhidmatan awam secara sewenang-wenangnya seperti kadar Tol Lebuhraya, kadar Petrol, telekomunikasi, kadar Air, elektrik, perkhidmatan kesihatan dan perubatan, kadar elektrik, kadar bekalan air serta yuran pendaftaran tanah supaya tidak membebankan rakyat.
23. Menyeru semua kerajaan negeri melaksanakan keputusan Majlis Tanah Negara membuka tanah rizab Melayu kepada semua kaum untuk mengelakkan pembaziran sumber tanah dan bersama-sama membangunkan ekonomi demi kebaikan semua pihak.
24. Menyeru Kerajaan Negeri Perak merizabkan dan mengekalkan kawasan tanah tanaman limau tambun(pamelo) seluas 350 ekar supaya memelihara kehidupan petani dan khazanah lembah kinta serta menjamin milikan tanah bagi petani-petani.
25. Menggesa Kerajaan memperuntukkan lebih lot tanah untuk tapak perkuburan Cina dan memansuhkan pengutipan cukai pendapatan pentadbiran perkuburan serta memastikan tapak perkuburan tidak diambil dengan apa jua sahaja alasan.
26. Menyeru kerajaan merangkumkan karya-karya Bahasa Cina dan Tamil dalam Hadiah Sastera Negara dan menghormati nilai kepelbagaian etnik di negara.
27. Menyeru kerajaan menghormati hasrat komuniti Cina dengan mengkaji semula dan memansuhkan system 243 dan 6232 yang melanggar prinsip pendidikan serta menghormati bahasa Tiong Hua dalam mengajar, mengkuji dan memeriksa mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa ibunda kecuali subjek Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris supaya memastikan hak membelajari bahasa ibunda tidak tergugat.
28. Menghentak polisi kerajaan BN yang tidak membina sebarang sekolah Cina dan sekolah tamil di bawah RMK-9 yang mencadangkan 180 buah sekolah rendah dibina serta mengesa kerajaan memberi peruntukkan yang adil dan saksama kepada sekolah Cina dan sekolah Tamil dan membina sekolah-sekolah mengikut keperluan komuniti dan kawasan.
29. Menyeru Kerajaan menghargai sumbangan Sekolah Mengengah Tinggi (SUWA) dalam mendidik generasi muda negara dan menubuhkan “Tabung Sejuta Pembangunan Pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Tinggi” dengan memberikan peruntukan setiap tahun serta mengiktiraf sijil peperiksaan SUWA yang telah diiktiraf di peringkat antarabangsa.
30. Menyeru kerajaan mengambil berat tentang kemerosotan qualiti akedemik dan senarai universiti sedunia bagi Institute Pengajian Tinggi Awam.
31. Menyeru kerajaan memansuhkan Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti 1971 dan menggantikannya denganAkta Universiti yang baru yang mematuhi prinsipal kebebasan akedemik dan kedemokrasian kampus.
32. Menggesa Kerajaan membuka semula SJK(C) Damansara supaya mempertahankan hak komuniti tempatan untuk mempunyai sekolah sendiri.
33. Menggesa kerajaan memansuhkan dwi-system dalam pengambilan siswazah Universiti Tempatan dan menggantikannya dengan satu system peperiksaan umum yang berasaskan meritokrasi.
1. 大会坚决反对任何形式的回教国,维护宪法保障下的世俗民主制度。大会同时呼吁政府收回前 任首相敦马哈迪于2001年9月29日宣布我国为回教国的违反宪法宣布。
2. 大会促请政府恢复地方政府选举,还政于民。
3. 大会促请政府废除内安法令、官方机密法令、出版及印刷法令及大专法令,以符合民主公正要求。
4. 大会促请政府严正看待国家在国际透明贪污指数从2003年的37名逐年滑落至2006年第44名事件,政府受促设立直接向国会负责、独立操作的反贪污局,以展开无畏无私的执法行动,树立廉政风气。
5. 大会要求政府恢复群众大会,公平对待朝野政党。
6. 大会呼吁选举委员会在划分选区时,尊重一人一票精神,避免最多选民和最少选民选区的人数差距太过悬殊。
7. 大会促请政府停止把人民分裂成土著与非土著,以全民平等的马来西亚民族取代。
8. 大会促请政府全面检讨并严加监督各项私营化计划,以杜绝私营化计划牟取暴利的不正当商业手法,并开放于各民族参与。
9. 大会谴责国阵政府通过2006年水供工业法令将英达利水排污费纳入水费单,强迫人民缴纳排污费的作法,违反没有服务、不可收费的大原则。
10. 大会促请国阵政府修改土地条规,让新村地契期满后自动更新,保障人民拥有土地自主权的权利,同时让新村地契延长至99年。
11. 大会促请政府确保所有官方拨款透明化,避免“拨款骑劫”和“拨款干捞”事件的发生。
12. 大会促请政府立刻成立警察独立投诉及滥权委员会,打造第一流世界级警队。
13. 大会促请政府正视国内日益败坏的治安问题,全面加紧警队效率和巡逻,还国民一个安全的生活环境。
14. 大会谴责国阵政府违反宪法的歧视性政策,在批准回教捐献纳入个人所得税回扣之余,却没有给予国内其他宗教捐献平等的对待。
15. 大会要求政府立法禁止单一种族性政党,塑造大马民族及维护多元民族团结。
16. 大会促请政府以及相关机构对麦卡控股承担2亿3千833万374令吉债务、66400名马来西亚印裔投资1亿600万令吉后在过去10年没有获得分发任何佣金丑闻,即刻进行调查并提控涉及不当行经的麦卡官员。
17. 大会促请政府落实公平录取公务员政策,录取更多的非马来人进入公共服务机构,改善公共服务只有8巴仙华裔以及5巴仙印裔的情况。
18. 大会促请政府正视土著股权已经超过新经济政策30巴仙目标的报告,即刻废除新经济政策,以一个全民平等政策取代。
19. 大会促请政府严正看待我国对全球投资者吸引力的消退,从1990年联合国直接外资地点的第4名滑落至2005年的62名,第一次排在印尼之后的情况。
20. 大会要求政府公平开放各类大小工程于各民族承标,以公开招标方式颁布政府合约。
21. 大会谴责政府批准油价三番四次上涨加重人民生活负担加剧国内通膨,并促请政府将国油盈利公平分给每个国民。
22. 大会坚决反对政府随意批准调涨公用事业收费,如大道、汽油、电讯、医药保健、电费、水费、土地注册费,以免人民生活百上加斤。
23. 大会促请州政府开放土地于各民族,避免土地荒废并促进经济发展。
24. 大会促请霹雳州政府保留打扪区350亩柚子园以维护近打区特产并照顾农民生计,在州内同时落实耕者有其田的政策以照顾农民福利。
25. 大会促请政府拨出更多地段作为华人义山用途,大会也促请州政府免除华人义山税务,不得以任何藉口,征用现有的华人义山地段。
26. 大会促请政府把华文与淡米尔文创作列入国家文学奖,实现重视多元民族文化的价值。
27. 大会促请国阵政府尊重华社意愿,即刻检讨并废除违反教育原理的243、6232英语教数理方案,恢复母语教学、出题及应考。
28. 大会谴责政府在第9大马计划下计划兴建180间新小学却不兴建华淡小的政策,促请国阵政府给予华淡小公平合理的拨款,全面依据地区人口需求兴建新国小、华小和淡小。
29. 大会促请政府珍惜独中为国家培育人才的贡献,设立「独中发展百万基金」常年拨款于独中,并承认独中统考文凭资格,解决人才外流问题。
30. 大会促请政府关注国立大学学术水平下跌、在世界大学排行榜中日益下滑的情况。
31. 大会促请政府废除1971年大专法令,改以符合校园自治、学术自由及校园民主3大原则的新大学法取代。
32. 大会促请政府马上重开白小,树立维护社区拥有学校的权利。
33. 大会促请政府废除大学入学双重标准入学制,以一个以绩效为标准的单一考试取代。
根据联合国人类发展报告,我国的贫富鸿沟是全东南亚最高的一个国家。新经济政策使到富者越富、以及惠及巫统和国阵的权贵。就如在最近的报章报导,富有的马来人可以在一个婚礼耗费350万令吉、一名马来人部长可以赔偿离婚妻子5千万财产和现金、以及被指责向敦马哈迪喷危险物品的马来政治人物可以拥有大房子、10辆豪华房车包括价值1百万令吉7,500cc 的Cardillac !

13th Perak DAP Annual Convention

Speech by Mr Ngeh Koo Ham at the 13th Perak DAP Annual Convention on 26/11/2006, Sunday at Hotel Excelsior, Ipoh, Perak
The euphoria of BN landslide's victory led by Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Abdullah Badawi in the last General Election has waned. The people realize that the high hopes they placed on Dato’ Seri Abdullah Badawi are broken dreams.
1. Racism – A vote for BN is a vote for racist UMNO
The recent UMNO Assembly once again shows that UMNO is a racist party and MCA, Gerakan and MIC and other component parties within BN are cowards who do not dare to stand up to the racism that is practised by UMNO. Supporters of MCA, Gerakan, MIC and other component parties must realize by now that a vote for Barisan Nasional is a vote for UMNO which is so dominant in BN that other component parties are cowed and have no say in BN. We are so disappointed with Dato’ Seri Abdullah Badawi who has declared himself to be the Prime Minister for all but did not rebuke or take action against those who have uttered seditious remarks during the UMNO General Assembly. Please walk the talk Mr Prime Minister! The people must send a clear message to BN and UMNO in the next general election that we live in a multi racial and multi religious country and that any form of racial or religious bigotry will not be tolerated.
2. Corruption
Dato’ Seri Abdullah is shackled within the corrupt system of the Barisan Nasional. The corruption within the country has worsen. Placed 23 in 1995 and 37 in 2003 (when the former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad stepped down) our position has dropped drastically to 44 in the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index. We would once again want our Mr Prime Minister to walk the talk!
3. National Debt
Apart from the worsening corruption in the country, our national financial situation has also worsen. Our nation is indebted to the tune of RM238.4 billion (each Malaysian owing about RM10,000-00) and by the end of the 9th Malaysia Plan our debt is expected to increase to RM315.3 billion! i.e each Malaysian will be indebted in the sum of about RM13,700-00. We do not want to go through the experience of a developed nation like Argentina whose economy collapsed after 15 years of mismanagement. Argentina was placed the last among developed nations before its economic collapse while our country is placed top among the developing nations. A country that is ahead of us can collapse into economic chaos so can it also happen to our nation if we do not act to turn it around.
4. Economy
The national per capital income as announced by the Federal Government is RM19,484-00 which translates to a family of 5 (i.e 2 parents and 3 children) getting a salary of RM8,118-00 per month. In Perak the per capital income is only RM15,229-00 which translates to a family of 5 getting RM6,345-00 a month. However, we do not see the average Malaysian getting the type of salaries as stated above. The vast majority of Malaysians earn far below RM8,118-00 a month. The gap between the rich and the poor is very vast indeed. According to the United National report on Human Development the gap between the rich and the poor is widest in Malaysia among the ASEAN nations.The New Economic Policy only enrich the rich and the selected group within UMNO and BN. As can be see in recent newspaper reports, the rich Malays can afford to spend RM3.5 million for a wedding, a Malay Minister can afford to give his wife properties and cash worth RM50.00 million in a divorce settlement and the Malay politician who is charged for alleged spraying of dangerous substance on Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad can own a huge mansion with more than 10 luxury cars including a stretch 7,500cc Cardillac limousine bought for RM1,000,000-00! The DAP once again call on the government to help the people base on his/her economic standing and not base on his/her race.
5. Universities and University Colleges Act 1971
Generally speaking, the policy of the BN disallowing university and college under graduates to participate in politics is producing a generation of ‘I, Me, Self’ generation who is only concern for his/her career, his/her family and his/her life. Leisure and pleasure become the guiding principles of their lives compare to the past generation who were taught to sacrifice self for society and the nation. We must be worried what will become our nation when leaders with these values were to assume leadership in the not too distant future. The DAP call on the Government to allow the undergraduates to be nurtured in a more balanced way to care and show concern for the public and the nation.
6. Call to rise to the occasion
The people are looking for leadership of people who walk the talk. The opposition is expected to gain more support as people realized that real check and balance can only come from without and not within the BN system.
I call on DAP members and leaders to be prepared to shoulder the greater responsibility that the people would like us to play after the next general election.
I call on more calibered people to join the DAP to heed the cries of the people for good genuine people oriented leaders who are clean and trust worthy.
I call on all members to continue to disseminate the message that for an effective check and balance we need a greater opposition. We need to ensure that those who qualify to vote will register to vote so that their support can be translated and be seen in the next general election.
Perak DAP State Annual Convention(1)

Speech By DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng During The Perak DAP State Annual Convention In Excelsior Hotel, Ipoh On 26.11.2006
Restoring Bangsa Malaysia As Part Of National Policy
In the UMNO General Assembly, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s policy speech “Fulfilling Promises” was not the most important speech because he failed to fulfill promises did not perform well even in his self-designed own report card. The most important speech was made by Deputy UMNO President Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in his winding up on 17 November 2006 when he said that “Bangsa Malaysia” was not part of national policy but only a general concept. This is a complete reversal of previous BN policy of creating a national Malaysian race that can over-ride race and religion in the path towards national unity.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi would only just pass his own self-desinged report card by garnering a 42% score as he has only made progress in 5 out of his 12 pillars of good governance. (40% is now the passing mark in schools as compared to 50% during our time)
Abdullah's 12 pillars of good governance are:-
1. Effective leadership is respected leadership.
2. Democracy flourishes through collective responsibility.
3. Development of human capital via quality holistic education programmes.
4. Ensure economic growth by exploring new sources while focusing on rural development and modernization of agriculture.
5. Develop a bumiputera commercial and industrial community, and a bumiputera science and technology community.
6. Acknowledging the role of the private sector to generate economic growth, particularly in creating new economic opportunities.
7. To enhance public sector performance, in particular, improving public delivery systems, and facilitate the role of the private sector.
8. Addressing corruption by emphasizing on both preventive and punitive approaches.
9. Enforcing the rule of law in a firm and transparent manner, particularly in the fight against crime.
10. Encouraging a more equitable and active participation of youth and the emancipation of women.
11. Defending Malaysia's sovereignity.
12. Strengthening national unity.
Of the 12 pillars, Abdullah can only claim progress in 5 pillars namely, rural development and agriculture(No. 4), bumiputera development(No. 5), acknowledging the role of private sector(No. 6), youth and women(No. 10), and defending Malaysia’s sovereignty(No. 11). As for the remaining 7 pillars, either no progress has been made or Malaysia has backslided in becoming worse off.
How can there be effective leadership when his predecessor who appointed him has declared open war against Abdullah barely 2 years after Abdullah took over as Prime Minister? Where are the improvements in democracy when oppressive laws such as as Printing Presses & Publications Act(PPPA), Sedition Act(SA), Internal Security Act(ISA) and Official Secrets Act(OSA) are still retained and applied indiscriminately and arbitrarily.
Corruption is now worse off than when Tun Dr Mahathir retired in 2003, Malaysia was ranked No. 37 under the Transparency International’s(TI) Corruption Perception Index.but now is ranked No. 44. The latest RM 600 million rural development fund announced by Abdullah is given exclusively to the UMNO Division heads of RM 3 million each. Human capital development still takes a back seat to racial quotas and anti-competitive policies.
Public sector performance, especially in delivery system is poor with the litany of abuses of powers, non-performance or delays in implementation of development projects by civil servants resulting in higher costs or abandoned projects. Even enforcing the rule of law and fighting crime is a failure when for the first 9 months of this year the national crime index increased by 12.6% to 170,481 crimes reported as compared to 151,444 crimes reported for the same period last year.
DAP General Assemblies Do Not Contain Fiery Seditious Speeches That Threatens To Burn Down Kuala Lumpur Or Bathe In The Blood Of Other Malaysians.
Finally, national unity is under severe strains with higher intolerance on race and religion as exemplified by extremist threats of UMNO delegates in this general assembly such as:-
n another repeat of May 13 worse than the racial riots in 1969 that would leave Kuala Lumpur completely devastated and ruined battlefield.
n Umno is willing to risk lives, use the kris and bathe in blood in defence of race and religion from non-Muslims or non-Malays.
UMNO leaders have tried to justify such seditious and inflammatory speeches by claiming that the general assemblies of other political parties such as MCA and Gerakan contain similar speeches and that the DAP meetings are worse than UMNO’s in promoting and defending non-Malay rights and attack Malay interests. I wish to state categorically that DAP meetings have never made inflammatory speeches threatening to burn down towns,harm or bathe in the blood of other Malaysians. DAP is an inclusive and peaceful party using constitutional means to benefit all Malaysians regardless of race and religion.
DAP demands that action under the Sedition Act be taken against any political parties whether MCA, Gerakan or other opposition political parties that allows such seditious and inflammatory speeches be made. Stern action must be taken against political parties that seeks to harm and hurt Malaysians.
Definition Of Bangsa Malaysia Accepted By All Malaysians With No Race As The Pivotal Or Dominant Race.
DAP stood alone for 40 years promoting Malaysian Malaysia, opposed by BN that practiced divide and rule politics based on race and religion. DAP believed the path towards nation-building was not towards a pure nation state that is homogenous and uniform but is heterogenous and diverse. Unity in diversity was our commitment, respect and acceptance of political equality and social-economic justice our political struggle.
In the face of persecution where DAP leaders were detained or charged in court on flimsy grounds, DAP held steadfast to this singular concept of building a nation with a shared destiny and common values. This burning idealism of DAP leaders garnered overwhelming support from Malaysians, especially non-Malays, until BN leaders posed this question, “What does the non-Malays want?”
Finally former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad bowed to DAP’s superior logic by accepting the future destiny of Malaysians lies in DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia, which Mahathir called Bangsa Malaysia. Even though DAP faced electoral losses when BN successfully co-opted Bangsa Malaysia as part of national policy, DAP gave full support in the interests of the nation.
Bangsa Malaysia is one of the nine challenges in Vision 2002 of achieving developed nation status. Mahathir defined it succinctly in an Asiaweek’s 6/10/1995 issue as "people being able to identify themselves with the country, speak Bahasa Malaysia and accept the Constitution”. This definition of Bangsa Malaysia with no race as the pivotal race over other races have been accepted by most Malaysians.
For the past decade this definition of Bangsa Malaysia has been part of national policy. However on 17.11.2006, everything changed during the winding-up speech by UMNO Deputy President and Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at the UMNO General Assembly. Najib declared that Bangsa Malaysia was not part of national policy but only a general concept. He gave assurances that the present constitutional provision protecting Malay special rights would not be affected just as Malay dominance over all other races would be the hallmark of BN in government.
Struggle For The Sole Of Malaysia Has Begun
The struggle for the soul of Malaysia has begun, whether we see our country as a nation for all or bracketed into first and second-class citizens with the Malays as the pivotal race. By abandoning Bangsa Malaysia as part of national policy in preference for Malay dominance, Malaysia is going backwards towards Hitler’s racial supremacy and regressing towards South African’s apartheid policies of racial dominance.
Malaysians must not allow UMNO to continue to divide us but must stand up together to loudly and clearly oppose the language of racial division hatred and violence in the UMNO General Assembly. That Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi did not even reprimand UMNO delegates for threatening to kill and burn non-Muslims and their homes shows that he is not the Prime Minister of all Malaysians. Using majority power to rule by fiat and divine rule makes a mockery of democracy which ensures basic inalienable rights of political equality and socio-economic justice to minorities.
Rejecting Bangsa Malaysia is only the first step towards homogeneity with a common race, religion, language and culture as well as uniformity of the necessary laws to achieve these goals. The ugly manifestation of such discriminatory policies can be seen when non-Malays who have lived here for centuries are somehow inferior to Malays who have only been granted citizenship. For instance, Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Mohd Khir Toyo’s father was an Indonesian from Jawa whilst his mother a Malaysian citizen. However Mohd Khir is now a bumiputera superior to all Malays whose grandparents were born in Malaysia. Is this fair and just?
DAP Perak Must Double Its 3 Parliamentary And 7 State Seats To Drive Home The Message That Bangsa Malaysia A Part Of National Policy Again.
DAP Perak must double its 3 parliamentary and 7 state seats to drive home the message that Bangsa Malaysia is part of national policy again. As the front-line state, DAP Perak should take the lead to restore Bangsa Malaysia with shared values and a common destiny. Our shared values revolve around democracy, freedom, justice, integrity and human dignity for all.
This is our common destiny – achieving and enjoying prosperity together. We must emphasize wealth creation and an equitable wealth distribution relying on academic excellence, economic competitiveness, technological merit and knowledge management as well as based on the principle that the benefits of prosperity and burdens are to be shared equitably.
There can be no Malay agenda, Chinese agenda, Kadazan agenda, Iban agenda or Indian agenda. There is only one Malaysian agenda. We see a Malaysian soul that is peaceful, inclusive, tolerant and respects everyone not one that is filled with hatred, exclusive, intolerant and oppresses other Malaysians. Let all Malaysians who love freedom, democracy, integrity and justice fight to save the soul of our nation.

巫统大会回响 行动党今办论坛





两个不同事件 同样一个无能

槟城巴生市议会无能 还政于民刻不容缓
两个不同事件 同样一个无能

AGM of Maika

Media Statement by M. Kula Segaran MP for Ipoh Barat and DAP National Vice Chairman at 31st October2006 at 3pm in Kuala Lumpur
AGM of Maika a fiasco and a let down to the Indian community
The much-awaited Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Maika Holdings Berhad(Maika) proceeded today at Legend Hotel as scheduled despite much protest.
Nearly over 500 shareholders of Maika attended the meeting to day. During the Chairman’s speech, Tan Sri Abdul Rashid bin Manaf’s , he informed the house that the Board had decided not to table the Motion seeking approval for the sale of the Oriental Capital Assurance Berhad(OCAB) shares. I believe that decision was a result of the overwhelming public sentiments and news in the media that OCAB was a valuable asset of the community and the ailing Maika Holdings, and that it’s is the only investment of the Company yielding profits.
After the Chairman’s speech I immediately stood up and informed the Chair that the AGM must be adjourned as many share holders have not been properly notified of today’s meeting. Many shareholders have not received the Annual Report and the financial statement of Maika. I had on last Friday written to the Board of Directors of Maika urging them to postpone the meeting to give an opportunity to over 64,000 shareholders to attend the AGM. I also informed the Chairman that many who bought the shares in 1983 had pawned jewellieries sold their dairies, and came from the down trodden and poor Indian community who all invested on the assurance that their investments would bear fruits handsomely. They should be given sufficient Notice of the AGM. The Chair disagreed that the AGM need to be adjourned and said he was of the opinion that the due notice of the AGM has been given and there was no necessity to postpone the AGM.
The meeting proceeded with the First agenda of the AGM namely “to receive and adopt the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2005 together with reports of the directors and Auditors”. Then the Chairman answered some queries raised by the shareholders. Thereafter the Chairman put the First agenda for adoption of the members by way of show of hands. Votes were taken by show of hands. It became clear that nearly 70% of those present voted against the adoption of the accounts as being correct. Having realized the defeat, he refused to inform the house of the results. Despite repeated request and demands by many present including Mr Kumarasen and Mr Vembarasaan and others the Chairman insisted to proceed with agenda number 2 without announcing the results.
Furthermore, the Chairman of the meeting reiterated that it was his prerogative not to reveal the results. He further exercised his right as the Chairman of the meeting to call for a poll. I insisted that he should be fair and accountable enough to reveal the vote count of hands before adopting another mode for the adoption.
The Auditors, Messrs Ernst & Young, as scrutinizers and the officers carried out the counting of those who were in favor and against the resolution. Accordingly Ernst & Young were supposed to announce the results to the shareholders but despite repeated plea from the members they too failed to discharge the duties.
As I was then addressing the Chair and told him that many Indians all round the country had invested in Maika with lots of hope and aspirations and in the interest of justice and fair play the Chairman must disclose the results without any further ado. At this juncture a guy sitting on my right side approached me and elbowed me and pushed me away from the mike. A commotion broke out and all ran loose. The person who elbowed me was the Tenggaru State Assemblyman from Johore. Some others with him also used foul language against others and threatened me for raising questions.
We also heard the Chairman calling for order many times but it was just getting worse when voices from the floor requested for the announcement of the results in response to the call. I then heard the Chairman saying the meeting was adjourned and as the commotion was not under control we then staged a walk out.
I am surprised with the conduct of the some shareholders whose acts was no different from gangsters in nature and was done in a very uncivilized manner. The chap who elbowed me is a State Assembly man and this speaks volumes of the party he comes.
Many a time I have spoken in an out of Parliament that gangsterism is a serious problem among the Indian community as 33% of all crime in this country involves the Indian Community. Nearly 50% of the restricted residents at Simapng Renggan are also Indians. There is an urgent need by the authorities to address this. Now the question is how deeply involved are BN political parties in patronizing gangsterism?
M.Kula Segaran

No Special rights for any race under the Federal Constitution
on 8/11/2005 (Wednesday) at 11.30 am
No Special rights for any race under the Federal Constitution. All are equal before the law except that due to the special position of the Malays and the natives of the states of Sabah and Sarawak needing help it will be constitutional to reserve such proportion as may be deemed reasonable in 5 areas or matters to assist them.
It is with deep regret that the UMNO Johore and the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak continue to harp on the special rights of the Malays which do not exist under our Federal Constitution. Due to its political dominance UMNO has blatantly disregarded the provisions of the Federal Constitution. UMNO is embolden in its Malay racial supremacy policy due in part by the cowardice of the other Barisan National component parties especially MCA, MIC and Gerakan.
Article 8 of the Federal Constitution provides for equal treatment of all persons irrespective of race or religion while Article 153 of the Federal Constitution recognizes the special position of the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak needing help and therefore, allows the Government to render special assistance to Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak by reserving such proportion as may be reasonable in 5 areas namely positions in public service, scholarships, exhibitions, educational or training privileges and permits or licences for operation of trade or business to assist them.
Art 153 was intended to help the Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak who were poorer and in need of help rather than the creation of a ‘Bumiputra’ privilege class. Our Government was vocal against aparteid in South Africa but has been practising it in our own backyard. What is most disheartening is that many poor and needy bumiputras do not benefit from Article 153 but the rich and well connected bumiputras.
The following are Government policies which are in contravention of Article 8 and not under the areas of positive discrimination allowed under the Article 153 are as follows:-
i) Awarding Government contracts exclusively to Bumiputras
ii) Insisting that Bumiputras be given 5% to 10% discount in the purchase of houses and business premises
iii) Giving book loans to children of parents earning less than RM2,000-00 in Malay or Religious medium schools while children in Chinese and Tamil medium schools are entitled to book loan only if their parents earn less than RM1,000-00.
iv) Giving income tax rebate for Zakat ,Fitrah and other Islamic dues but this rebate is not extended to religious and charitable donations/givings of other religions.
Awarding Government contracts based on race is totally prohibited by Article 8 and is not one of the areas of positive discrimination allowed under Article 153
Awarding contracts to bumiputras does not mean helping the general Bumiputra population. It only benefit the well connected bumiputras. It is also an open secret that many of these contracts are awarded to bumiputra companies which are unable to do the job and are passed down from one hand to another which translate into higher costs for the Government which in turn must be borne by the people.
With regard to the employment of workers in the public service, the Government has also breached Article 153 in failing to observe ‘such proportion as may be reasonable’ for the Malays and natives of Sabah and Sarawak.
There is now 83.7% Bumiputra, 8.2% Chinese, 5.2% Indians and 3.3% others in the Federal Government’s Public Service. At the Perak State Level there is 87.83% Malays, 0.97% Chinese, 8.37% Indian and 0.23% others in the State Public Service. These figures are reflective of a racially discriminatory policy in the recruitment of public servants of the Federal and State Governments.
The people must be united behind DAP to ensure that all Malaysian citizens are treated equally irrespective race or religion. DAP advocates special assistance to only those who are poor and needy which was the spirit behind Article 153 of the Federal Constitution and also the basis of our party’s social policy.
The DAP stands out distinctively as a party that advocates equality for every Malaysia citizen irrespective of their race or religion. I call on the people to support the stand advocated by the DAP if we want to see a united and progressive Malaysia. History is a testimony to us that a nation ruled by racial and religious discrimination will only end in strife and ruin.
DAP Malaysia
Deputy Secretary General
Chairman of DAP Perak

两种入学方式让优秀生 欲哭无泪

针对大学现有的录取制度,倪氏指出,政府现今把一年课程的大学预科班与两年课程的高等教育文凭(STPM)相提并论作 为入学资格是不公平的。“苹果与橙虽同是水果,他们却是完全不同的水果,政府必须为全国学生提供一个公平的平台,否则30年来每年优秀生欲哭无泪的画面将 会重演。”
惟倪可敏,则持不同意见。他指现有的大专法令必须废除。政府应制定新的大学法,而新法令必须符合校园自主(campus authonomy)、学术自由及学生自治3大原则,让教育回归教育,免除政治干预。