


告別2009年, 大马人有太多的遗憾及痛惜。公共治安排名从全球竞争力報告的第65名跌至85名、全球廉洁透明指数从47名劇跌至56名史上新低、新闻自由指数则忝居121名,更不堪的是我国遭美国国务院列為2009年販卖人口黑名单,与恶名昭彰的朝鲜及缅甸齐名,种种每况愈下的国际排名在在的说明了一个事实 :改变巳经刻不容缓!
倪可敏表示,接近年杪,我国司法宫在没有给予任何理由的情况下把全部四名曾涉及审讯民联对垒国陣時曾对民联做出有利判决的高庭法官,即拿督阿都阿兹、拿督阿里夫、拿督刘美兰及拿督阿里查都相继调走更打击我国司法界原本已岌岌可危的公信力。一个国家的司法界—“人民最后的保护傘”一旦公信力萎靡不振, 這个国家不但将外资却步、人权倒退、 国际形象更是像非洲聿巴布韋般令人汗顏。
倪可敏表示,2009年只有14间新公司在大马交易所掛牌上市, 创下20年最低纪录, 外资的流入更创下不足80亿美金新低,连继两年输给鄰国印尼。大马再不大刀阔斧改革,将来恐怕為时巳晚。
也是班台区州议员的倪氏指出,国陣政府今年举债高达885亿令吉, 比2008年增加48%;是1991年以来最严重的现象。更令人忧心的是,国陣政府明年计划再发售19项债券, 期限竟远至2032年。一旦缺乏严厉監督,即使将来改朝换代由民联执政,民联对天文數字的债务也将爱莫能助!
倪可敏表示,2009年只有14间新公司在大马交易所掛牌上市, 创下20年最低纪录, 外资的流入更创下不足80亿美金新低,连继两年输给鄰国印尼。财政赤字高达7.4%, 不敷多达511亿元,是1987年以来最高点。此外,国陣政府今年举债高达885亿令吉, 比2008年增加48%。大马再不大刀阔斧改革,将来恐怕為时巳晚。
(图) 倪可敏在太平火箭国州议员服务中心推介别出心裁的火箭雨傘, 欢迎人民热烈响应乐捐。前排左起蔡長山及郑国霖,后排左一為刘長一。
推介火箭雨傘 象征人民保护傘
倪可敏今日在太平火箭国州议员服务中心推介别出心裁的火箭雨傘发佈会时如是指出。出席者包括倪氏政治秘書郑国霖、特別助理陈瑞忠、陈慧丝、民联市议员刘长一、十八丁支部主席蔡长山 及阳光计划服务队副队长黄再兴。
继吉祥物“火箭娃娃”、“一个黑色大马”月曆大受欢迎后, 行动党再接再厉, 推出新设计红彤彤的火箭雨傘,大红色不但寓意吉祥兴旺、更意喻该党与民同在、矢做人民权益保护傘的重大意义象征。该党选择在太平推介,因為太平不但有雨城美誉,更是全球雨量第二多的城市。只须乐捐区区20元即可获贈一枝, 非常值得珍藏, 存货有限,先到先得。任何有意珍藏该火箭雨傘者欢迎联络太平区国州议员服务中心助理陈瑞忠、陈慧丝 Tel: 05-8050672、 政治秘書郑国霖 Tel : 012-5213836或该党州总部Tel :05-2531532.
倪可敏则指出, 泰国权威法医普缇在验屍庭供证时公开指趙明福身上有许多不明伤痕
行动党呲叻州秘書兼太平区国会议員倪可敏律師今日炮轟巫统及国陣青年团冥顽不灵、死不悔改、专挑种族沙文主义企图煽风点火挽救国陣瀕臨瓦解的政治生命。他指出,国陣, 尤其是巫统支部领袖不惜以牛头示威及向林吉祥等人肖像小便, 目的就是企图激起马来人对行动党領袖的憎恨与仇視;用最下流的技俩企图保住巫统朋党的地位与个人财富。
倪氏今日针对国陣青年团近百人趁周日休假办公室無人办公时在行动党州总部举行非法集会企图挑衅闹事作出反击。這批人士高举充满种族意味的布条高声喊叫捍卫马来主权, 同時指行动党 “biaDAP没有教养”。可笑的是该批人士呈交给行动党的备忘录连签名也没有。之前巫统主导的外围组织呲叻马来人联盟(GMP)也祭出大型布告要怡保西区国会议員古拉离开我国交出公民权。
倪氏指出,根据民联议员在国会获取的官方資料, 政府在小学的拨款高达44亿令吉,华小只占区区3.18%, 宗教拨款方面, 神庙、教堂及庙宇只获1.2%, 行动党议员在国会扮演人民喉舌角色据理力争, 马华噤若寒蝉、 巫统却顛倒是非, 炒作种族情绪, 让首相“一个马来西亚”的口号沧為笑话。
民主行动党霹雳州政治教育局主任张志坚硕士今天发文告表示,政治教育局己成功在月前为霹雳州民主行动党全体国州议员和州委举办为期2天的“政治脑力激荡及培训营” ,同时也成功邀请民联政治分析专家和一名跨国公司首席执行员专题讨论霹雳州政治和外国投资家对民联政府的意见。参於者都对此培训营表示满意,同时霹雳州行动党主席倪可汉也感谢全体政治教育局委员能以团队合作方式举办这次的政治脑力激荡,培训营及专题讲將座。
张志坚今天也宣布,再也巴兰专科医生,民联巴占市议员谢保恒,怡西国会议员M. 古拉助理丹那巴兰己受委加入民主行动党霹雳州政治教育局,並马上和政治教育局委员吴国锋,黄云龙和苏干娣着手规划2010年席活动和商讨政治教育局的战略和决策。
同时,12月份的「政治教育課程」将为金宝国会选区的党员讲解民主行动党的政治理念,让党员拥有足够的政治智慧,决定国家未来的前途,增强政治责任感和历史使命感,把落实人才强国战略的一项重要任务。任何对此政治教育有疑问,可以联络行动党霹雳州总部(05-2531532)或政治教育局秘书办公室 (05-2417402)。
1. 金宝国会选区的党员
时间: 2009年12月11日(星期五), 晚上7时半至9时。
地点: 民主行动党金宝市区 (Pekan Kampar) 支部, 13 Jalan Balai, Kampar。
图: 民主行动党霹雳州主席倪可汉(左2) 和全体政治教育局委员合影。
前左 (1) 苏干娣,左 (3) 起张志坚,再也巴兰医生。(后左起) 吴国锋,黄云龙,谢保恒,丹那巴兰。
Speech by Sdr Ngeh Koo Ham at the DAP Perak State Convention on 29th November, 2009 held at Tower Regency Hotel, Ipoh.
“The Auditor General has confirmed that the Pakatan Rakyat State Government of Perak has caused improvement to each and every department and agency of the Perak State during its 11 month’s rule. The PR Government has succeeded in making historic achievements during this short period. It is without a doubt that PR is the hope of the people and it has brought the changes the people had voted for on 8/3/2008”.
1. The Betrayal
The last one year see tumultuous times in Perak with the unlawful and undemocratic grabbing of power by BN on 7/2/2009.
We saw one of us, Mdm Hee Yit Fong prostituted herself to BN and two others Mohd Osman Bin Mohd Jailu and Jamaluddin Bin Mohd Radzi from PKR who sold themselves to BN which caused the downfall of PR Government in Perak. They will be scorned upon for posterity. In the very near future when they are us longer useful to BN, BN will treat them worst than lepers of the past and dogs with sores to be avoided for that is the contempt BN has for them. That time is very near and let all comrades be reminded that history has never been kind to those who sold their souls for benefit. To prove my point I challenged Hee, Osman & Jamaluddin to ask BN now to promise them that they will be made candidates for their respective constituencies in the next election and see the BN’s replies to them. However, in order that history will not be too harsh to them, I urge them to repent and declare that they no longer side BN and support giving back the power to the people by calling for by-elections at their respective constituencies or support the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly.
2. The effect of the illegal & undemocratic grab of power
What concern us more, is the effect of this political crisis on our beloved state of Perak and the nation of Malaysia.
We see the police who are enforcers of the law have been reduced to taking instructions from the BN government. The Judiciary which is the baston of the constitution and the rule of law has on many occasions in the words of the retired Court of Appeal Judge, Dato’ N. H. Chan decided against the plain provisions of the law. The Sultan of Perak has refused to dissolved the state Assembly at the request of Menteri Besar, YAB Dato Seri Nizar Bin Jamaluddin against his very stand as stated in his book “Constitutional Monarchy, Rule of Law and Good Governance” where His Royal Highness said:
“Under normal circumstance, it is taken for granted that the Yang di Pertuan Agong (the sultan) would not withhold his consent to request for dissolution of Parliament (State Assembly). His role under such a situation is purely formal”
The police invaded the Perak State Assembly and forcibly evicted the speaker, V. Sivakumar on 7th May, 2009 and help BN installed a bogus speaker who was elected by BN elected representatives even before the Assembly Session was opened by His Royal Highness the Regent of Perak.
All these spell disaster for the Perak state and nation of Malaysia. It is imperative on all of us, who love Malaysia to save Malaysia by restoring the constitution to its rightful place and to uphold rule of law.
The way forward is to take Putrajaya and there is no two ways about it as reform to the police and the judiciary can only be done by taking federal power. Let us pledge to day to save our nation by working towards Putrajaya.
3. How have we performed ?
Do the people have faith in us? Our 11 months of ruling Perak has crushed to pieces the propaganda perpetuated by BN in the last 50 years that the opposition parties are unable to rule. We have proven them wrong and have outperformed BN in every aspect.
The Auditor General has confirmed that the Pakatan Rakyat State Government of Perak has caused improvement to each and every department and agency of the Perak State during its 11 month’s rule. The PR Government has succeeded in making historic achievements during this short period. It is without a doubt that PR is the hope of the people and it has brought the changes the people had voted for on 8/3/2008
In 2008 the Auditor General audited 7 state departments and 6 state agencies in Perak and found all these state departments and agencies have improved under the PR government. The financial management of the State financial office was accredited with a four star Excellence status of 90.33 marks which was unprecedented. We see mark improvement
on the State Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) and the Majilis Agama Islam and Adat Melayu Negeri Perak.
The SEDC under BN could not come out with audited accounts for 10 years (1997 to 2006). These were all finally finalised and audited under the PR short rule. Even the 2007 accounts were prepared up to date and audited. Imagine the impact on our state if we are
given more time to govern. Imagine the impact we can make if we control the Federal Budget of about RM200 billion yearly which is about 300 times more than the Perak State budget of about RM700 million.
We have increased State Revenue by more than RM 100 million from RM538,761,178 in 2007 to RM639,425,143 in 2008 despite not having increased any tax whatsoever on the rakyat and despite we having reduced all land conversion premium and quit rent for not profit organizations to RM 1,000 and RM 40-00 respectively. We increased revenue through hard work, open tender system and zero tolerance for corruption.
Our other policies like granting freehold titles for planned and new villages, approving lands for schools and places of worship, supporting Chinese Private Schools and private religious schools by granting them 1000 hectares of land each have endeared us to the rakyat. In the pipeline were programmes to ensure home ownership for all especially the Indians who were displaced from the estates by giving them housing lots, selling homes to them at discounted prices.
The welfare policies of helping the poor, the needy and the downtrodden have also been well received.
4. To persevere and serve faithful
I call on all PR elected representatives to continue to serve faithfully and not be discouraged.
Though we have lost confidence in the judiciary due to the flip-flop decisions of the courts, we however, still trust that good will triumph over evil. If V.Sivakumar succeeds in his case against the Election Commission and the 3 frogs, we will see by elections in Jelapang, Changkat Jering and Behrang. If Dato Seri Nizar bin Jamaluddin succeeds in his case against Dato Zambry bin Abdul Kadir we will see state wide elections to be called.
The PR leadership will continue to do what we can especially through legal court cases while members must continue to influence public opinion, to get the people to persevere and to stay with us. I believe so long as the people are with us. Putrajaya will be a dream that is achievable.
Ngeh Koo Ham
Chairman, DAP Perak
1. 辜负与背叛
2. 非法及不民主地夺权所带来的影响
我们看到作为执法人员的警察部队如何沦落到成为听命于国阵的工具;理应作为宪法捍卫者的司法机构就如退休上诉庭法官拿督NH CHAN 口中所形容的作出违反法律的判决;而霹雳州苏丹殿下也在原任霹雳州务大臣拿督斯里莫哈末尼查要求解散州议会时也采取与殿下本身著作“君主立宪、法律之上及良好施政”中的立场:
3. 我们应该如何表现?
4. 坚持并真诚地服务
告別2009年, 大马人有太多的遗憾及痛惜。公共治安排名从全球竞争力報告的第65名跌至85名、全球廉洁透明指数从47名劇跌至56名史上新低、新闻自由指数则忝居121名,更不堪的是我国遭美国国务院列為2009年販卖人口黑名单,与恶名昭彰的朝鲜及缅甸齐名,种种每况愈下的国际排名在在的说明了一个事实 :改变巳经刻不容缓!
倪可敏表示,接近年杪,我国司法宫在没有给予任何理由的情况下把全部四名曾涉及审讯民联对垒国陣時曾对民联做出有利判决的高庭法官,即拿督阿都阿兹、拿督阿里夫、拿督刘美兰及拿督阿里查都相继调走更打击我国司法界原本已岌岌可危的公信力。一个国家的司法界—“人民最后的保护傘”一旦公信力萎靡不振, 這个国家不但将外资却步、人权倒退、 国际形象更是像非洲聿巴布韋般令人汗顏。
倪可敏表示,2009年只有14间新公司在大马交易所掛牌上市, 创下20年最低纪录, 外资的流入更创下不足80亿美金新低,连继两年输给鄰国印尼。大马再不大刀阔斧改革,将来恐怕為时巳晚。
也是班台区州议员的倪氏指出,国陣政府今年举债高达885亿令吉, 比2008年增加48%;是1991年以来最严重的现象。更令人忧心的是,国陣政府明年计划再发售19项债券, 期限竟远至2032年。一旦缺乏严厉監督,即使将来改朝换代由民联执政,民联对天文數字的债务也将爱莫能助!
倪可敏表示,2009年只有14间新公司在大马交易所掛牌上市, 创下20年最低纪录, 外资的流入更创下不足80亿美金新低,连继两年输给鄰国印尼。财政赤字高达7.4%, 不敷多达511亿元,是1987年以来最高点。此外,国陣政府今年举债高达885亿令吉, 比2008年增加48%。大马再不大刀阔斧改革,将来恐怕為时巳晚。
(图) 倪可敏在太平火箭国州议员服务中心推介别出心裁的火箭雨傘, 欢迎人民热烈响应乐捐。前排左起蔡長山及郑国霖,后排左一為刘長一。
推介火箭雨傘 象征人民保护傘
倪可敏今日在太平火箭国州议员服务中心推介别出心裁的火箭雨傘发佈会时如是指出。出席者包括倪氏政治秘書郑国霖、特別助理陈瑞忠、陈慧丝、民联市议员刘长一、十八丁支部主席蔡长山 及阳光计划服务队副队长黄再兴。
继吉祥物“火箭娃娃”、“一个黑色大马”月曆大受欢迎后, 行动党再接再厉, 推出新设计红彤彤的火箭雨傘,大红色不但寓意吉祥兴旺、更意喻该党与民同在、矢做人民权益保护傘的重大意义象征。该党选择在太平推介,因為太平不但有雨城美誉,更是全球雨量第二多的城市。只须乐捐区区20元即可获贈一枝, 非常值得珍藏, 存货有限,先到先得。任何有意珍藏该火箭雨傘者欢迎联络太平区国州议员服务中心助理陈瑞忠、陈慧丝 Tel: 05-8050672、 政治秘書郑国霖 Tel : 012-5213836或该党州总部Tel :05-2531532.
倪可敏则指出, 泰国权威法医普缇在验屍庭供证时公开指趙明福身上有许多不明伤痕
行动党呲叻州秘書兼太平区国会议員倪可敏律師今日炮轟巫统及国陣青年团冥顽不灵、死不悔改、专挑种族沙文主义企图煽风点火挽救国陣瀕臨瓦解的政治生命。他指出,国陣, 尤其是巫统支部领袖不惜以牛头示威及向林吉祥等人肖像小便, 目的就是企图激起马来人对行动党領袖的憎恨与仇視;用最下流的技俩企图保住巫统朋党的地位与个人财富。
倪氏今日针对国陣青年团近百人趁周日休假办公室無人办公时在行动党州总部举行非法集会企图挑衅闹事作出反击。這批人士高举充满种族意味的布条高声喊叫捍卫马来主权, 同時指行动党 “biaDAP没有教养”。可笑的是该批人士呈交给行动党的备忘录连签名也没有。之前巫统主导的外围组织呲叻马来人联盟(GMP)也祭出大型布告要怡保西区国会议員古拉离开我国交出公民权。
倪氏指出,根据民联议员在国会获取的官方資料, 政府在小学的拨款高达44亿令吉,华小只占区区3.18%, 宗教拨款方面, 神庙、教堂及庙宇只获1.2%, 行动党议员在国会扮演人民喉舌角色据理力争, 马华噤若寒蝉、 巫统却顛倒是非, 炒作种族情绪, 让首相“一个马来西亚”的口号沧為笑话。
民主行动党霹雳州政治教育局主任张志坚硕士今天发文告表示,政治教育局己成功在月前为霹雳州民主行动党全体国州议员和州委举办为期2天的“政治脑力激荡及培训营” ,同时也成功邀请民联政治分析专家和一名跨国公司首席执行员专题讨论霹雳州政治和外国投资家对民联政府的意见。参於者都对此培训营表示满意,同时霹雳州行动党主席倪可汉也感谢全体政治教育局委员能以团队合作方式举办这次的政治脑力激荡,培训营及专题讲將座。
张志坚今天也宣布,再也巴兰专科医生,民联巴占市议员谢保恒,怡西国会议员M. 古拉助理丹那巴兰己受委加入民主行动党霹雳州政治教育局,並马上和政治教育局委员吴国锋,黄云龙和苏干娣着手规划2010年席活动和商讨政治教育局的战略和决策。
同时,12月份的「政治教育課程」将为金宝国会选区的党员讲解民主行动党的政治理念,让党员拥有足够的政治智慧,决定国家未来的前途,增强政治责任感和历史使命感,把落实人才强国战略的一项重要任务。任何对此政治教育有疑问,可以联络行动党霹雳州总部(05-2531532)或政治教育局秘书办公室 (05-2417402)。
1. 金宝国会选区的党员
时间: 2009年12月11日(星期五), 晚上7时半至9时。
地点: 民主行动党金宝市区 (Pekan Kampar) 支部, 13 Jalan Balai, Kampar。
图: 民主行动党霹雳州主席倪可汉(左2) 和全体政治教育局委员合影。
前左 (1) 苏干娣,左 (3) 起张志坚,再也巴兰医生。(后左起) 吴国锋,黄云龙,谢保恒,丹那巴兰。
Speech by Sdr Ngeh Koo Ham at the DAP Perak State Convention on 29th November, 2009 held at Tower Regency Hotel, Ipoh.
“The Auditor General has confirmed that the Pakatan Rakyat State Government of Perak has caused improvement to each and every department and agency of the Perak State during its 11 month’s rule. The PR Government has succeeded in making historic achievements during this short period. It is without a doubt that PR is the hope of the people and it has brought the changes the people had voted for on 8/3/2008”.
1. The Betrayal
The last one year see tumultuous times in Perak with the unlawful and undemocratic grabbing of power by BN on 7/2/2009.
We saw one of us, Mdm Hee Yit Fong prostituted herself to BN and two others Mohd Osman Bin Mohd Jailu and Jamaluddin Bin Mohd Radzi from PKR who sold themselves to BN which caused the downfall of PR Government in Perak. They will be scorned upon for posterity. In the very near future when they are us longer useful to BN, BN will treat them worst than lepers of the past and dogs with sores to be avoided for that is the contempt BN has for them. That time is very near and let all comrades be reminded that history has never been kind to those who sold their souls for benefit. To prove my point I challenged Hee, Osman & Jamaluddin to ask BN now to promise them that they will be made candidates for their respective constituencies in the next election and see the BN’s replies to them. However, in order that history will not be too harsh to them, I urge them to repent and declare that they no longer side BN and support giving back the power to the people by calling for by-elections at their respective constituencies or support the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly.
2. The effect of the illegal & undemocratic grab of power
What concern us more, is the effect of this political crisis on our beloved state of Perak and the nation of Malaysia.
We see the police who are enforcers of the law have been reduced to taking instructions from the BN government. The Judiciary which is the baston of the constitution and the rule of law has on many occasions in the words of the retired Court of Appeal Judge, Dato’ N. H. Chan decided against the plain provisions of the law. The Sultan of Perak has refused to dissolved the state Assembly at the request of Menteri Besar, YAB Dato Seri Nizar Bin Jamaluddin against his very stand as stated in his book “Constitutional Monarchy, Rule of Law and Good Governance” where His Royal Highness said:
“Under normal circumstance, it is taken for granted that the Yang di Pertuan Agong (the sultan) would not withhold his consent to request for dissolution of Parliament (State Assembly). His role under such a situation is purely formal”
The police invaded the Perak State Assembly and forcibly evicted the speaker, V. Sivakumar on 7th May, 2009 and help BN installed a bogus speaker who was elected by BN elected representatives even before the Assembly Session was opened by His Royal Highness the Regent of Perak.
All these spell disaster for the Perak state and nation of Malaysia. It is imperative on all of us, who love Malaysia to save Malaysia by restoring the constitution to its rightful place and to uphold rule of law.
The way forward is to take Putrajaya and there is no two ways about it as reform to the police and the judiciary can only be done by taking federal power. Let us pledge to day to save our nation by working towards Putrajaya.
3. How have we performed ?
Do the people have faith in us? Our 11 months of ruling Perak has crushed to pieces the propaganda perpetuated by BN in the last 50 years that the opposition parties are unable to rule. We have proven them wrong and have outperformed BN in every aspect.
The Auditor General has confirmed that the Pakatan Rakyat State Government of Perak has caused improvement to each and every department and agency of the Perak State during its 11 month’s rule. The PR Government has succeeded in making historic achievements during this short period. It is without a doubt that PR is the hope of the people and it has brought the changes the people had voted for on 8/3/2008
In 2008 the Auditor General audited 7 state departments and 6 state agencies in Perak and found all these state departments and agencies have improved under the PR government. The financial management of the State financial office was accredited with a four star Excellence status of 90.33 marks which was unprecedented. We see mark improvement
on the State Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) and the Majilis Agama Islam and Adat Melayu Negeri Perak.
The SEDC under BN could not come out with audited accounts for 10 years (1997 to 2006). These were all finally finalised and audited under the PR short rule. Even the 2007 accounts were prepared up to date and audited. Imagine the impact on our state if we are
given more time to govern. Imagine the impact we can make if we control the Federal Budget of about RM200 billion yearly which is about 300 times more than the Perak State budget of about RM700 million.
We have increased State Revenue by more than RM 100 million from RM538,761,178 in 2007 to RM639,425,143 in 2008 despite not having increased any tax whatsoever on the rakyat and despite we having reduced all land conversion premium and quit rent for not profit organizations to RM 1,000 and RM 40-00 respectively. We increased revenue through hard work, open tender system and zero tolerance for corruption.
Our other policies like granting freehold titles for planned and new villages, approving lands for schools and places of worship, supporting Chinese Private Schools and private religious schools by granting them 1000 hectares of land each have endeared us to the rakyat. In the pipeline were programmes to ensure home ownership for all especially the Indians who were displaced from the estates by giving them housing lots, selling homes to them at discounted prices.
The welfare policies of helping the poor, the needy and the downtrodden have also been well received.
4. To persevere and serve faithful
I call on all PR elected representatives to continue to serve faithfully and not be discouraged.
Though we have lost confidence in the judiciary due to the flip-flop decisions of the courts, we however, still trust that good will triumph over evil. If V.Sivakumar succeeds in his case against the Election Commission and the 3 frogs, we will see by elections in Jelapang, Changkat Jering and Behrang. If Dato Seri Nizar bin Jamaluddin succeeds in his case against Dato Zambry bin Abdul Kadir we will see state wide elections to be called.
The PR leadership will continue to do what we can especially through legal court cases while members must continue to influence public opinion, to get the people to persevere and to stay with us. I believe so long as the people are with us. Putrajaya will be a dream that is achievable.
Ngeh Koo Ham
Chairman, DAP Perak
1. 辜负与背叛
2. 非法及不民主地夺权所带来的影响
我们看到作为执法人员的警察部队如何沦落到成为听命于国阵的工具;理应作为宪法捍卫者的司法机构就如退休上诉庭法官拿督NH CHAN 口中所形容的作出违反法律的判决;而霹雳州苏丹殿下也在原任霹雳州务大臣拿督斯里莫哈末尼查要求解散州议会时也采取与殿下本身著作“君主立宪、法律之上及良好施政”中的立场:
3. 我们应该如何表现?
4. 坚持并真诚地服务