(图) 倪可敏联同木威区国会议员拿督倪可汉出席班台印裔协会推动的雪中送炭佈施活动派发红包结小孩,场面温馨热闹。右为克里斯南。
The recent incident that the electricity supply for SJK Yik Min & SJK Yee Min in Kedah were cut off by the power supplier, Tenaga Nasional Berhad(TNB) clearly reflects the sad state of the Government aided school in our country.
The above both schools were found to unable to pay the electricity charges due to shortage of fund and allocation. This is the result of BN bigoted and outrageous discrimination policy. As a matter of fact, the Education Ministry will be given RM6.4 billions development allocation for all primary schools in 2011 but 95.1% will go to National School & only less than 3.9% will be distributed equally among SJK (C ), SJK (T), Ministry schools, sekolah Agama Rakyat etc.
It is incredible while the BN regime is implementing a RM1.4 trillions Economic Transformation programme(ETP) to turn Malaysia into a high income country but the “Bolehland” just can's afford to pay the electricity bills for our poor schools.Why the government just can't treat all schools equal with central payment system ad must let our children suffered? Where is the Government's priority?
(班台 27 日讯)
他点出,“明年的财政预算案政府对教育部发出357亿令吉拨款,其中行政开销高达293亿,发展拨款则是64亿。在教育部64亿发展拨款中,国小囊括了95.1%或60亿8600万,只余2亿5000万于全国的华淡小及教会学校, 华小分不到一巴仙,这种不公情况须即刻纠正,教育更不应沦为政治糖果来误导人民。”
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