


Friday, January 7, 2011

趙明福之死沦为无头公案 吡行动党悬赏万元缉凶

(图) : 行动党高举“趙明福沉冤侍雪”的布条以表达无声的控诉!右二起谢保恆、梁卓经、党元老骆瑞珍、魏添凤、黄来兴、倪可敏及支部领袖等。

It is both shocking and disappointed that the result of the inquest for the late Sdr Teoh Beng Hock is an open verdict. Leading all to nowhere.

After the verdict was publicised, Perak DAP leaders received numerous phone calls, sms and message from the public to express there anger and dismay over such end result.

The people are generally furious and angry as Teoh Beng Hock's death is only the tips of the iceberg if you were to look around and discover similar faces like the late Lim Soon Seng, A Kugan, Amirulrashid and etc.

As such, the Perak DAP in a very short time had gathered 5,000 signatures in the petition to ask for the setting up of Royal Commission of Inquiry to probe the real cause of Teoh's death. We undersootd that the petition nationwide had reached 60,000 signature and the number is still growing strong.

At the same time, in solidarity with Beng Hock's family, DAP Perak also announced that the party will offer RM10,000.00 to anyone who can offer evidence or lead to conviction of the person responsible for the homocide of Sdr Teoh.

(怡保 6 日讯)







倪氏指出,14岁的阿米魯拉昔、28岁的趙明福乃至A 古甘,无论任何种族,大家都是暴政之下无辜的受害者,有良知的公民就应要求还原真相、支持水落石出!



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趙明福之死沦为无头公案 吡行动党悬赏万元缉凶

9:37 AM Posted by DAP Perak 霹雳州民主行动党
(图) : 行动党高举“趙明福沉冤侍雪”的布条以表达无声的控诉!右二起谢保恆、梁卓经、党元老骆瑞珍、魏添凤、黄来兴、倪可敏及支部领袖等。

It is both shocking and disappointed that the result of the inquest for the late Sdr Teoh Beng Hock is an open verdict. Leading all to nowhere.

After the verdict was publicised, Perak DAP leaders received numerous phone calls, sms and message from the public to express there anger and dismay over such end result.

The people are generally furious and angry as Teoh Beng Hock's death is only the tips of the iceberg if you were to look around and discover similar faces like the late Lim Soon Seng, A Kugan, Amirulrashid and etc.

As such, the Perak DAP in a very short time had gathered 5,000 signatures in the petition to ask for the setting up of Royal Commission of Inquiry to probe the real cause of Teoh's death. We undersootd that the petition nationwide had reached 60,000 signature and the number is still growing strong.

At the same time, in solidarity with Beng Hock's family, DAP Perak also announced that the party will offer RM10,000.00 to anyone who can offer evidence or lead to conviction of the person responsible for the homocide of Sdr Teoh.

(怡保 6 日讯)







倪氏指出,14岁的阿米魯拉昔、28岁的趙明福乃至A 古甘,无论任何种族,大家都是暴政之下无辜的受害者,有良知的公民就应要求还原真相、支持水落石出!


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