笵俊登追思会图片集---- 一个民主斗士、一个爱国者
The Late Fan Yew Teng Memorial Service--- A vibrant idealist, a patriot1-6-2011(Wed), 8p.m at Ipoh Excelsior Hotel Grand Ballroom.
Sdr Fan Yew Teng,(1942-2010)
图片说明 Pictures : -
a) 约300名各族公民踴跃出席巳故笵俊登追思会,场面肃穆莊严。
More than 300 fellow Malaysians attended the memorial service to cherish the Late Sdr Fan Yew Teng
b) 吡州行动党主席倪可汉颁发花束予巳故笵俊登夫人,诺琳博士及其一对千金。
Perak DAP Chairman, Dato Ngeh Koo Ham presented a boutique of flowers to Mrs Fan, Dr Noeleen Heyzer and his twins daughters, Lilianne & Pauline Fan.
c) & d) 吡州行动党主席倪可汉、州秘书倪可敏、署理主席西华古玛率行动党州委向巳故笵俊登献花致敬。
Perak DAP Chairman Ngeh Koo Ham, State Secretary, Nga Kor Ming and Deputy Chairman, V Sivakumar pay last respect to the late Sdr Fan Yew Teng at the memorial Service.
e) & f) 出席公众排队向巳故笵俊登献花致敬,永在怀念中。
The crowd que up to present flowers to the late Fan Yew Teng as last respect.
g)行动党国会领袖林吉祥亲自与公众分享 笵俊登生前的点点滴滴。
DAP Parliamentarian Leader, YB Lim Kit Siang shared the memorable moment of Fan’s life with the people who attended the special memorial service.
h) 桂和园卫理公会会友领袖苏道杰医生讲述巳故笵俊登的生平。
Canning Garden Methodist Church LCEC Leader, Dr Su Too Kiat sharing the memory of Fan with the crowd.
i) Some other interesting pictures taken at the memorial service.
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